It's a well documented fact that I'm borderline obsessed with my kitten, Judah.
Judah is really good at not intentionally scratching anything but his little post, but he does have a tendency to accidentally scratch the couch when he runs across it, or scratch our legs when he tries to jump onto our laps, or hands when he's playing with us.
After drawing blood on the Mr several times, he suggested that maybe we get Judah declawed (I really don't want to get into a comment war about the pros or cons of declawing, so don't start it). But, after doing some research, I decided that I was not super keen on the idea of declawing.
So on Monday I went to Petco and picked up some Soft Claws. Soft Claws are nail caps that glue on to the cat's claws. It covers the claw tips so no damage occurs when the cat scratches.
It took the Mr. and I about 10 minutes to clip Judah's nails and apply the Soft Claws. It was definitely a team effort to subdue the whining kitty.
Here's how they look...
See the little clear caps?
I was sceptical if the soft claws would work, but so far, so good! Judah fussed with them a little at first, but now he doesn't even notice they are there. And now he's not causing damage when he runs on the couch or plays with us! So great!
(Note: this is not a paid review. I was not asked to do this by anyone associated with Soft Claws, Petco, Humane Society, etc. I value the ethics of my blog and vow to never do "posts-for-pay" on this site. I'm just really excited that I don't have a scratchy kitty anymore and wanted to share this find!)
Has anyone else ever tried Soft Claws or Soft Paws?
On a separate note, check out Judah's new favorite sleeping spot...
Yep, the sink. This cat LOVES the water. Strange, right? If we run the water over him while he's in the sink, he just sits there and plays with it and gets soaked! Does anyone else have a cat that loves water?
Life Lately: Week 2
6 days ago
I am also obsessed with my cat. I donate a whole blog day to him (Marley Mondays).
My cat scratched everything!! My leather coach is his fav scratch toy!! Bad cat!!
I have never heard of these soft claws. I am going to Petsmart this week and buying some. Thanks for the tip..we really need something to work for my monster. :-)
Interesting! I've never heard of them. From your initial description I was sort of imagining Lee press-on nails for cats, but they seem really functional. Thanks for sharing :)
That seems like a very good solution! I bet your kitty will be happy and get used to them in no time! It's a struggle to clip my little puppy's nails, I can't even imagine clipping a cat's nails! Good work!
yes! My kitten and cat love the water!! My kitten, Scout, jumped in the shower on me the other day. At first I thought he would freak out, but he just started walking around enjoying the water. LOL
Those soft claws are really a great idea. We usually cut both of out cats claws and that usually keeps the scratching down to a minimum. I wish I had known about these before my cat ruined my leather boots about 2 years ago!!!
Oh I'm obsessed with my sweet cats too. They also love water; one has been known to hop in the shower from time to time. Silly.
Might have to try those soft claws. Over the last month, for some weird reason, one of our cats has taken to scratching the carpet.
I'm glad that you found a solution that works well for you! Pepe cat loves water. He's jumped in the tub (I think by accident) when it was filled before and he likes to get in after we shower. He'll bat around the water on the bottom of the tub. Super cute!
We use soft claws on our cats. They don't mind it and they make little tap dance sounds on our hardwood floors. The best is that you can buy them in different colors, my fat male cat Eli loves the hot pink!
There's no shame in lots of pet posting! I love writing about our dog! I'm cracking up over the sink picture. I've never seen a cat who loves water, that's so funny!
The more I read about the Judah the more convinced I become that he and Winston are related! HA!
We use soft claws on Winston and we love them. It takes the two of us to put them on. I'm sure you know this, but if you hold the middle of their feet between two of your fingers and push down, his nails will extend so it's easier to put them on!
Winston LOVES the water. In fact he tried to get in the shower with me this morning. So weird.... :)
Kitty is so cute! I'm also obsessed with my cat, I love cats they are just so sweet!
I was thinking about the soft claws, but wasn't sure. I think I will buy them soon and try them out too!
Judah is adorable!! My aunt and uncle's cat loves the water. He will jump in the bathtub or sit by the kitchen sink just waiting for someone to run the water. It is the weirdest thing!
Your kitty is so cute and it is adorable that he loves to lay in the sink! How fun!
I love that you love your cat this much! I've never ever heard of the soft claws.
That is too cute that he loves the sink. I love cats!! They are so eccentric. I miss my kitty!
We use soft paws for my dog! It's great especially if you have hard wood floors and don't want them scratched up!
HA HA HA oh judah! :) I love him! Glad you found something that worked too. Hooray!
I think that's a great solution! Are the soft claws actually removable? Or are they permanent? I'm assuming the nail continues to grow under them right? A great idea I think!
How neat, I just always clip my kitten's claws with clippers, it works somewhat till the grow out again, but this is a great idea! How long do they stay on?
I've used soft claws in the past and definitely liked them!
We got our cat declawed in the front when he was a kitten. Not everyone's choice, but I am a huge fan. But in the back he still has his claws and we use these. So easy to use, minus gluiing them to my fingers multiple times, and most people have a lot of success with them.
Your cat and mine could be brothers. Ace loves the water. Such a weird cat. He gets regular baths and loves it!
I've never heard of the Soft Claws. I'm also obsessed with our cat Chloe, and have the same scratching problem - except she has started using our couch as a scratching post. I trim her nails almost weekly because I don't want to cut too short and cut her. She *almost* doesn't mind the clipping anymore, but I am wondering if these would work too!!
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