Of course, my cooler-headed-husband thought Judah was going to be fine the whole time, and of course, he was right. (side note: does anyone have a husband who is right more often than they are? Does that drive you crazy? I thought wives were supposed to be right all the time! Anywhoo...)
Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post with words of encouragement and stories of their dogs eating string! Like Ams said, I also used to wonder why people freaked out about their pets so much. But it's crazy how fast these little creatures become part of our families, isn't it?
But it definitely got me thinking, "if I can be this crazy over being a cat-momma, how am I going to be as a real momma?" I don't want to be the crazy mom that freaks out every time her kid eats a leaf or dirt and has the pediatrician as speed dial #1 in phone. How do moms not die of stress over their kids?
All is well that ends well. I'm off to the final USC game of the decently dismal season. Go Trojans!
I"m SO thrilled to hear that Judah is okay! I didn't want to comment on your earlier post because when I was in 3rd grade, my cat ate a piece of string (right in front of me!). Three days later, she died (on Chritmas eve, no less!) and it obvi scarred me for life!!!
Now as a dog owner, I am constantly worried about the stuff he eats...but at the same time, there's only so much control we have over our little ones...some stuff is just out of our hands. I am so relieved to hear that your kitten is a-okay! :)
Glad to hear your cat is ok!
I feel like that all the time with my dog Mia...I get so worked up and going crazy while Big Man is just cool calm and collected...I believe the words "YOU DONT EVEN CARE ABOUT OUR EFFIN DOG DO YOU?" came out of my mouth on more than one occasion..he is usually right tho.
yay! so happy your cat is a-okay!!!
i'm so glad judah is ok!! my cat ate something about 6 months after we got him and ended up sick as a dog (hehe). he couldn't walk, use the bathroom, or eat. we kept doing x-rays on him at work but could never find what was wrong with him. we were about to do exploratory surgery on him when he just got better. i would so have done anything to make him feel better.... pet parenthood is pretty important too. it's still something else we're responsible for! scary. hope you have a great weekend!
I have a slightly gross story about my cat.
She ate tinsel one year and we didn't know. She went potty. We didn't know. Mom saw her running around the house with a piece of tinsel hanging out of her booty. .....Guess who had to pull it out.
...yeah. I think pet parenthood is going to be a lot like real parenthood.
Glad to hear that Judah made it through safe and sound!
So glad he is okay!
Thank goodness!!!
I am so glad your kitty is okay.
You are going to be a great mom... and it's funny, because with kids you get this peace and this calm with them. I thought I would be this crazy, hypochondriac of a lunatic mother but I am actually pretty good ;) lol
Anyway, enough blabbing! So glad that cat is doing perfectly... and yes, I think wife ARE supposed to be right All. The. Time! lol
Glad your fur baby is ok :)
happy to hear your kitty is ok! when ever our dogs get sick I always think the worst..
just like I have a child!
Yikes I'm just now catching up with the weekend blogs. Your cat ate a string huh? I'm glad its ok. I would have worried too.
And yes you will worry all the time when your a mamma to a child. Its insane how much you worry.
I'm glad to hear your cat is ok!!
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