Friday, January 15, 2010

Our Weight Loss Story

Before you all knew us as the Newlyweds Next Door, we weren't always the fittest couple.

We both were Varsity High School athletes. But once we went to college and lost our team workouts we definitely let the fitness slide. Add in a steady diet of beer and Del Taco and our weights shot up.

But even after college, the weight didn't melt away. In fact for me, I hit my heaviest weight in Summer 2007 (by that Summer the Mr. had already taken off a few pounds from his heaviest weight in 2006).

In Summer 2007 I decided that it was time to lose the weight for good and over the next year I lost 25 pounds!

Take a look at our befores and afters:

How did I do it?*

  1. Weight watchers. Religiously counting points and sticking to it. I've gone on and off it, but it always works for me if I don't cheat.
  2. Cutting out ALL artificial sugars. That means no yogurt with fake sugar, no diet sodas, not sweet & low in my coffee. If I want sugar I eat the real thing and count the points. To this day I don't eat fake sugar.
  3. Eating small dinners of mainly veggies and protein. I realized on weight watchers that by dinner I only had about five or six points left. Which meant that most dinners became pretty light, which is funny because usually dinner was the heaviest meal of the day. Not to say that I don't eat big dinners sometimes on weekends, I just try to limit myself during the week.
  4. Working out three or four times a week. This is an area where I could do better. But for me weight loss is more about food intake than workouts. The fact of the matter is I often don't have time to work out during the week with my work and travel schedule, so I just try to eat healthy.
  5. Drinking lots of water. I try to drink at least 60 ounces of water a day.

*Quick caveat... I know I'm still not the thinnest girl out there. I never have been. I've been 5 feet, 8 inches since I was 13 years old and I'm built from large Scandinavian stock. So growing up I felt "fat" a lot even thought I was just tall and broad. After losing the 25 college lbs I am now at what is considered a healthy weight for my height, and I finally feel happy with my size.

But the Mr's weight loss story is truly incredible. Over two years he lost 60 pounds! He doesn't even look like the same person!

How he did it:

  1. Joining a gym and working out four or five days a week
  2. Cutting out fast food
  3. Eating smaller dinners

No special secret sauce there, huh?

My health goals for 2010 are to continue to do weight watchers and eat more organic food. I know that I would be healthier if I ate more organic, but it's so much more expensive. Sometimes I just can't bring myself to spend the money on it even though I know I should, ya know?

Want to see more weight loss stories and ideas? Check out Kelly's Korner this week!


Jessica @ How Sweet said...

This is so inspiring! I love that you guys did it together. :) Great job!

Heather (Live.Love.Laugh.) said...

Way to go!! Your hubby looks so different!!

I lost 80 lbs in college so I can appreciate the hard work any amount of wight loss takes.

Keep up the good work!

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

You and I could be related! I always say that being 5'8 and Swedish means that I was built for farmwork. PS - WW always works for me, too!

Mojito Maven said...

This is AMAZING! I'm with you. When I stick to WW I am dropping pounds so quickly I can't count them, but the moment I stop, I gain them all back. WW DOES work if you make it a lifestyle.

On a side note, I saw Delta Gamma on your husband's t-shirt. Were you a DG? BECAUSE I am a DG!!!!


Blue-Eyed Bride said...

Congratulations! It's so inspiring! You look wonderful and so does your husband.

I did WW to lose 40 (count them. 40!) college pounds and lost them! I got down to my lowest weight right before the wedding in 2008. And then I got pregnant and gained 40 back. Now I need to lose 20 and I'm sticking to WW very strictly. Hopefully it'll drop again!

Thanks for the inspiration.

And how tall is your husband?? I'm 5'8", too, but Todd is only 5'10". So you didn't look tall in your picture because he is so tall! Lucky girl!! And I know what you mean... being tall and gaining weight... you definitely don't feel like you can just "blend in."

MtnGirl said...

I laughed when I read about your Scandinavian stock. So am I. I'm 5' 10" and my husband is 6'7" (tall man was a prerequisite to marry me! HA!). Anyway, I never have and probably never will be petite or super skinny. But, after recently weighing the most I've ever weighed - it was embarrassing! I decided that I needed to get things in check - plus, I'm in my 40s. Although I try to watch what I eat, exercise is the key for me. I dropped 25 pounds since August just from riding my exercise bike 30-60 minutes every day. I still eat what I want, but if I want sweets, I eat one of those single cakes that you make in the microwave (from scratch), I try not to use to much processed sugar, etc.

Rachel said...

Good for you guys! I'm impressed and challenged at the same time. :)

Anonymous said...

You both look great!! I too don't eat any fake sugar products, my doctor has always told me to avoid it for many reasons and I have.

Lindsay said...

I agree, WW does work when you stick with it, which is very hard for me. Way to go sticking to it and achieving your goal!

Nicci said...

I love your story, I've been considering WW for awhile now. I don't look big b/c of my height but I know I need to lose around 25-30, I'm 5'8 as well. I love that you did it together.

Lena said...

That is so awesome! Congrats on your success? And to have your hubby as an acountability partner is even better! Good luck to you in the new year!!!

Chardonnay said...

Okay, you've inspired me. I just joined Weight Watchers online!! I really want to look my best at our wedding in 8 months, and maybe paying will help me kick it up a notch.

Joanna said...

Wow! These are great tips! And I like them because they are practical for the everyday person. AMEN to cutting out the fake sugars...these are terrrible for your body!

Patience said...

You two are such an inspiration. I love that you both lost the weight together. I have never tried WW, but it is something I am considering if I don't start losing these last few pounds soon.

LWLH said...

Congrats you both look great and are much healthier I bet!

Mary Joy said...

Great job! I love Weight Watchers too! I just wanted to say that you look great!

Vee said...

The price of organic food is truly a killer! I'm trying to buy more of it as well, but the fiance is very frugal and balks at the prices. I want to at least go organic on the so-called "Dirty Dozen," but when I reach for the organic milk, he puts his foot down. LOL!

I'm also going to be trying to implement more pastured beef and free-range (hopefully local) chicken. Word on the street is that it tastes better, and some people even say that pastured beef and free-range eggs have less something like that. Worth a try to me!

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing!! I am a weight watcher as well--it is the only thing that worked for me--I dropped 60 pounds in a year and half and have kept 50 of it off. Now that I am pregnant it freaks me out a little--my doctor is really good about helping me plan weight gain successfully I know I will be back to my points after the baby comes!! Congrats on your success!

Chic Runner said...

You look great and that's funny that you posted this after I asked if J lost weight last time I saw him too! :) Great work and you look fab <3

Lindsey said...

Thanks for sharing! You look great! I have always struggled with my weight and I did weight watchers a long time ago. It really does work. I plan on going back to it after I have this baby and hopefully I can make lifestyle change and stick to it!

Sarah said...

Great story. The Mr. certainly did have next to miracle weight loss! Don't you just hate how much more we have to work for it?
BTW, love the In-N-Out reference. =]

Brittany Ann said...

You BOTH are beautiful and such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your stories!

That's Mrs. Russell said...

Thanks for sharing the stories. I always love hearing how other people and even better, couples have lost the weight.

Chrissi said...

thanks for the before & after shots! you've worked hard, congrats :)

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

Wowwwww!!!!! That's awesome - my hubby keeps saying he's "filled out" so maybe I should encourage him to try some of your (very simple) suggestions.

CJ said...

Wow! That is just awesome! I am on my way to lose 40 lbs this year. So all the tips will help. Thanks for posting some great tips.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog! I love your weight loss story - right now I'm trying to cut out artificial sweeteners. It's hard to wean off, but I know my body will thank me later.

Katie said...

wow! Congrats! You two had such a great transformation!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That's great!! Both of you have done a fantastic job!

d.a.r. said...

Wow, totally inspiring!!

In This Wonderful Life said...

HOW awesome!!! you guys have really done great! I think sticking to a routine and your word..that you give yourself..makes all the difference in the world! Congrats look great! :)

Anonymous said...

you guys look great!
I love WW! I lost 45lbs last year and Im starting again to loose a few extra before we start on a family :)

Sweet Simplicity said...

You both look fantastic! Congratulations on getting to a happy weight! You always look like a skinny mini in your pictures.

mommyholly said...

Wow, that is so great!! I also am a WW girl and absolutely love it. Over the past year, I have lost 25 pounds and hope to lose about 10 more. It really works, doesn't it!? :) Keep up the great work, you look amazing!!
xoxox Holly

liane said...

So fantastic!
I need to get back on the WW bandwagon. I hate going to the meetings though, I'd rather use the money I'd pay in the weekly fee to purchasing the more expensive organic foods. So then I do the "ghetto" WW of trolling websites and printing off and making my own point sliders (it felt like a crafting session, and I don't do crafts. It was highly amusing); putting all the points on to an excel chart.
oh, I feel the same way about artificial sugars. If I'm going to eat sugar, I'm going to eat sugar.

kanishk said...

Your hubby looks so different!!

Work from home India

Rachel said...

Wow!! Thanks for the inspiration!

I think I'm probably at my heaviest right now... I was really good up until our wedding, and then it was the holidays, and then I just got lazy. I really need to work on my portion size and working out. I know what to do, I just need to do it. I haven't ever tried WW before, though - maybe I should give it a try.

I can't believe you are 5'8"! And that so many others out there are too! I am as well (and also have been since I was 13), and I usually feel like the Jolly Green Giant. I agree with Erin though, I always thought you were so petite because your husband is so tall.

Thanks for sharing your story.

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