It's four days until Valentine's Day and I must confess, I've neither bought nor planned anything for my husband for the day.
I don't want to be complacent in my married life -- but I feel like it gets harder to buy gifts when you share money and harder to plan an exciting outing when we already have so many fun dinners and trips in our lives. Maybe I'm making excuses.
I've been trying to brainstorm gift ideas. (Thanks Twitter friends!)
Both Tara and H.R.H. blogged about their Boudoir Photos as the perfect gift. And I have to agree, if you've never done Boudoir photos for your husband as gift, DO IT! I did it as a wedding present for the Mr. and it was fantastic! I had so much fun doing the shoot and he got this awesome sexy book worthy of the pages of Maxim.
Here is one of the only "G-rated" images from my shoot.
Pretty cool, huh?
It's by the Boudoir Divas in San Diego. I LOVE them! Their mission statement is: "Our God grants us beauty and love everyday. He gives us the strength and wisdom to create a life that will benefit those around us and those he asks us to help and give to abundantly.
He gives us the resources and creativity to create a classy and romantic piece of art
that ignites confidence and excitement in a wife. Re-enforcing beauty in a woman and romance between a couple."
Don't you just love that?
I'm guessing that this year I will just give him a card and maybe something small, unless a grand idea hits me in the next three days.
I've also been brainstorming something fun to do. (Note: I really like how Mrs. Everlasting and her hubby take turns every other year doing the Valentine's Day planning. I may have to start that tradition.)
We used to have this tradition of doing a wine and cheese picnic on Manhattan Beach every year for Valentine's Day. It was great, but that tradition kind of died when I started traveling for work and I was gone on Valentine's Day a lot.
(V-day 2006)
Last year we went to a comedy show.
Horrible. Horrible idea.
It was super crowded. We waited outside the comedy clubs for hours to get in. And the comedy was really bad. We left before the show ended. Epic fail.
Hostess With the Mostess posted an awesome idea a while back for "Valentine's Day in the Garden of Eden."
It's the perfect romantic retreat in your own home! I don't think I'll be able to pull this off this year, but I'm hoping that I can do this one year, because it looks so cool! Read more about it here.
What are you planning for Valentine's Day this year?
Life Lately: Week 2
6 days ago
Very cute the picnic at the beach thing!
In my case Valentine's Day is the day I actully started dating my husband it was also the day that I got engaged.
I don't know what we are doing.
Ah V-day. We're not super it the day ourselves. The first year we were together we were long distance and I sent Matt a huge box of things for him to open every day of the week. Like an animal I slept with all the time (and had two of so we could both have one)...cheesy first love stuff like that :) So now how can I top a gift a day?? I can't...
So this year we are just making dinner at home. But kinda fancy...crab legs. So it will be special :) But that will probably be it. Matt always says he wants to treat me special everyday and not just on V-day. I thought at first that was just a ploy to not have to buy me something :) But honestly...I think it's true. And I believe it myself.
So I try to do things for him throughout the year to make him feel special.
Hope you two enjoy your day together!
We usually spend the $$ we would've spent on gifts for each other on an "experience" - either a fun, fancy dinner a few days after the Vday restaurant rush dies down, or a night at a B&B, or a concert - something fun and memorable. This year we're going to a concert but its to check out a band we're thinking of for our wedding :)
Too funny...the Boudoir Divas did my boudoir photos for hubby, too! His birthday was the night before the "faux-wedding" so I gave them to him then. LOVE those girls over there, they are AWESOME! Who did your shoot? Crystal did mine--such a sweetheart.
Anyway, Valentine's Day is when hubby proposed last year, with a full out from-a-movie set up. It was A-MAZING. He's asked me not to expect anything near that this year (duh!) and he was called in for overtime at the fire station from 8pm-8am on VDay evening. At least we'll spend the whole day together...and he's got stuff planned, but of course won't tell me what it is.
I've just purchased a few little things for him--2 cards (one naughty, one nice), a little book of questions that I filled out the answers to that I found at Barnes & Noble, and I made him a photo calendar on VistaPrint using my boudoir pics for each month--a "pin up calendar" if you will ;)
I second the boudior idea if you've never done it - they love it and if you find the right photographer they make you look HOT (even wehn you're not so much - like me).
I love the idea of a beach dinner, too bad we don't have any around here.
This year I planned a couple massage for us since he loved it so much on our honeymoon. then he has to come up with dinner plans.
I love the book idea. I really want to do one but I am nervous!!
We usually cook dinner for each other - the husband makes the main course and I make dessert. Of course he buys me flowers - tulips are my favorite and he always remembers :)
We usually just order pizza and watch a movie at home.I have a hard time being romantic at a resteraunt with a billion other couples trying to be romantic too. Last year we did our valentines day on a completely random February Day. Dinner, Couples Massage etc. so that way it was special to us. Good luck!
We are staying in and cooking at home. I love the garden of eden idea, that's too cute!
HOW fun! I bet your pics are BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm going to check out the in-home ideas!!!
I love the boudoir photos idea! I might have to do that for hubby, obviously for v-day though, not enough time! We don't do much on this holiday, we might go to dinner! : )
That's such a great idea!!! I've always wanted to have a "Maxim"-esque photo shoot!!!
You are so smart!
Those are all great ideas, And I love the sexy photo shoot. How fun!
Don't feel bad, I have no plans for V day either. Unfortunately we decided that with the baby it would just be easier to stay home and have a family night. I'm sure we will have a great time.
I hope you guys figure something out to do that will make you both happy.
I LOVE the boudoir photo shoot idea for hubs! Will definitely look into that!!! Thank you for sharing!
We're going low-key this year, perhaps a romantic picnic/dinner at home! Thanks for sharing your ideas! :)
I NEVER know what to get for v-day! It's so hard to buy for boys for this holiday! I NEED ideas!
Your b-pic is so pretty! I did those as a wedding gift for hubby. We'll be on a cruise this year for Valentine's Day!
Last year we were working at the same restaurant and it totally sucked so this year we are making up for it by staying at the Plantation/Bed & Breakfast we got married at, having dinner at my favorite place and having breakfast at a super fancy Plantation/Restaurant the next morning.
Is it bad that I honestly forgot about Valentine's Day?!? I suppose I really need to think of something...
I know. I'm there too! I have no ideas, and I haven't even thought about it!
I know I tweeted but oh I always have too much to say for 140 characters, haha! we don't go big over it, if we go out, we usually go on a different day/night to avoid the crowds, but it's fun to give a little something special, I'm still working on my gift =). I was thinking about getting our 1st dance lyrics on a canvas, maybe with a pic of a flower (that we had at our wedding) or something to hang in our room or family room. don't think it's going to happen on time but I'm pretty excited about it=) the garden of eden idea is really cute!
That picture is so pretty of you!! I bet your husband will love the pictures! I haven't planned my V-day yet. I told my BF to plan it!! Luckily we are going to be in NYC for a wedding immediately after!
YAY for v-day. I have no ideas either, but I know you'll have a great time with J! :) I just hope it doesn't rain. Enough rain in the LBC!
I don't know either...I'm stuck.
Hope you have a great Valentine's Day weekend together!
I am leaving on a trip on Saturday afternoon, so we're doing a Valentine's Day breakfast out before I head to the airport. I love a little people watching and a relaxed breakfast or lunch - I think it's really romantic to just sit and watch the world go by together. Plus you skip the crazy prix fixe dinner menus!
I'm not so sure about a Garden of Eden Valentine's Day though...I'm not sure that the knowledge of good and evil and original sin scream "romance" to me, though it looks cool...maybe a new name?
Love the picnic at the beach idea, super cute!
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