Today my Dad gave me some bad news...
His cat / my cat when I was young, that I got when I was 13, Chewy, died today. Chewy (short for Chewbacca, don't hate, I had just seen the re-release Starwars in the the theater when we got him) lived a wonderful 13 years - chasing mice in the San Diego countryside, relaxing in the sun, and being a sweet pal. My Dad found him dead this morning - he said he looked peaceful and I'm glad he did not suffer. It's still hard to say goodbye. I keep finding myself holding back tears at my desk.
Here's a picture of Chewy that I took at Christmas a couple of years ago...

(Note: Don't worry, my Cat, Judah is fine. I can't wait to get home from work and give him a big snuggle. Chewy lived at my parents house.)
The IRS also gave me some bad news today. Our 2008 taxes are being audited. Yikes! Good thing we have all of our documents in line and have a good CPA.
My Dad also gave me some good news, which is my Grandma who broke her hip, is doing better each day! Hurray!
Also, Emily from Living our Own Fairy Tale, gave me some good news. I won her giveaway! Yay! I can't wait to see the new cake stand/punchbowl in my kitchen!

How about you, do you like to get the good news first or the bad news first?
So sorry about your kitty! Glad your grandma is doing better. :)
Sorry to hear about Chewy. It is always hard to lose a pet that you care so much about. :-(.
That is a pretty cool thing you won... it took me a second to figure out how it turns into a punchbowl. How clever!
Typically.. I like the bad news first. It allows the good news to have the excitement it deserves. The bad news doesn't put a damper on it. Well... in most cases.
Aww friend, I'm sorry! It is so hard to lose a pet. HUGS!!
bad news first!
And I'm sorry about Chewy :( Feel Better!
:( sorry about your cat. it's always so hard to lose a pet. I still cry when I think about my cat that passed away a few years ago.
So sorry to hear about your cat, losing a pet is always hard.
I always like to get the bad news first too.
Bad news first, otherwise my imagination runs wild and I am thinking about 84,000 horrible things that *could* have happened instead of enjoying the good news.
I am so sorry about Chewy...losing a pet is SO hard!
I'm sorry you lost Chewy! I still get misty-eyed when I think of the pet's i've lost. They are the ultimate friend! Glad to hear your Grandma is doing better. I'd always go with the bad news first. I would hope that the good news would then overshadow the bad news.
Bad news first so we don't end on a sad note.
I'm so glad he passed peacefully and did not suffer!
Great news about your Grandma! YAY! :)
So sorry about Chewy! I cant imagine loosing my kitties. I also actually liked the newer star wars!!!!!!!!
I'm so sorry about Chewy! What a cutie he was (and sounds like a sweetheart too!).
Sorry to hear about your dad's cat. That's so sad. But I'm so glad that your g-ma is doing good.
Always prefer bad news first...sorry about Chewy...and the freaking audit. Yikes, you need a snuggle from Judah AND a big glass of wine!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your cat. I got the same phone call from my parents about 2 weeks ago. It's so hard to lose any pet, but I think that losing a pet you grew up with is even harder. Hang in there!
So sorry to hear about the audit and Chewy. Yeah about your grandma and winning the giveaway!
Sorry about Chewy! But how blessed ya'll are that he lived for 13 long years!
Aw, I'm sorry about Chewy and the audit! That's good though that you have all your documents in order and a cpa! it'll be no sweat!
SO sorry to hear about Chewy :( Stories like this make me so sad! I'm going to give my cats a giant squeeze now!
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat.. My cat (well now my Dad's) is over 20 and is nearing the end. My Dad called the other day to talk to me about possibly having to put him to sleep. It's so hard... Thinking of you girl..
That is a pretty cool thing you won.
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