1. I will never be trendy/stylish enough to pull off an outfit like this...

2. Based on charting, I think I have a short luteal phase. I'm going to ask my Dr. about it in a couple of weeks. No, I'm not trying to get preggo.
3. I'm in the market for a new wallet. I asked people on Twitter what they like. LV is widely loved but I think it's too rich for my blood. I'm thinking this Kate Spade might be good.

4. It's almost our second anniversary! The cotton anniversary. I think I know what I'm going to buy the Mr. as gift. Any suggestions for a great cotton anniversary gift?
5. I've watched Jessica's "Daily Affirmation" about 20 times now. I just love her. "I can doing anything good!"
6. My favorite microwave meal ever is Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers Chicken Margarita. I love having these for lunch at my office (just 6 WW points!). I wish Costco still carried these.

7. Summer never came to Southern California. It's cloudy where I live all the time. Is it crazy to be envious over the summer heat that's boiling the rest of the country?
8. Some of you have commented that I'm always on the go -- both for work and vacations. It's true. In fact, I did the math and in the last year the Mr. and I have spent 20 weekends out of 52 traveling away from home, vacationing together (and that does not count my business trips). We went to San Diego several times, Oregon a few times, Arizona, Seattle, several ski trips, Boston, and of course, Europe. I love to travel. I'd much rather spend money on a vacation than an expensive item. In the last year I've spent far more on traveling than clothing and home goods combined. That's just how I roll.

9. Thank you all for your sweet comments and weight loss motivation on this post.
10. My parents are coming to town this weekend. Not sure of all that we're doing all weekend, but for sure we're renting a motorboat on Sunday to cruise around Long Beach. Something I've never done before. So excited!
Cotton, hmmmm...his favorite sorts team shirt? A new sweater?
I learned I have a short cycle too. I learned this when I got the positive test, LOL!
Love that first outfit - but I'm with you, not sure if I could pull it off. Super cute black and white dress in your pic at the bottom!
First off... love the outfit and the wallet. Secondly I LOVE the H.C. Steamers!!
As far as the anniversary... You guys can take a trip to like Georgia or Atlanta wherever they grow cotton, stay at a cute lil b&b =)
Um, can we discuss the model's hair in that first picture? I die! It's gorgeous. If my hair could do that, my life would be complete. No joke.
Love the Kate Spade wallet! And, I think it's great that you and the Mr. get to travel so much. That's something my mom and I did and I loved it. We don't have the means to travel really at all right now, which is a bummer, but, if you do, go for it! Those are memories you guys will always treasure!
I love this post!! I honestly have the same feeling about a lot of what you posted. Thanks for posting this! It's so fun!!!
I think Young House Love had some fun anniversary ideas a few months back...I'll have to see if I can find the link.
We've had kind of a cloudy summer too, so I am hoping for a nice fall!
I totally agree that traveling is SO worth the cost! You can't put a price on memories.
I have a Hobo wallet and I love it! It looks similar to the one you posted.
And my first year anniversary will be next March... what did you do for your "paper" anniversary?
I wish I could put together outfits like that too! I love your random thought list :)
Too bad you guys haven't had much of a summer! You should hop over to Palm Springs if you want blazing, scorching sun and oven-like temps!!! : )
OH I love those boots!
I LOVE that first outfit! Where from? Where from?
I am new to your blog and I've enjoyed catching up! I am with you, LV is just too rich for my blood! I am a lover of all things Kate Spade, so that should tell you what I think of the pink KS wallet you showed on your list. Gorgeous!
Not sure if it is a coincidence but I posted a video of Jessica's Daily Affirmations on my blog. I also did a post of my own and am wanting to make it a weekly feature. Feel free to contribute!
Chicken Margarita is my absolute favorite lunch!!!!!!! Love it!
I always think those outfits look cute on the models but I would look like a rich hippie if I wore that around my town.
My in-laws live in San Diego, and they've been complaining about the weather, too. For the first summer EVER we've had warmer, sunnier weather in central Pennsylvania!
P.S. I'm a new reader -- happy to have found you!
Travel now before your cycle results in a baby. Not that you can't travel afterward, it's just not as easy.
As far as the cotton anniversary, did you know that US paper currency is 75% cotton? So, I say as long as you use paper money, you can have ANYTHING you want for your anniversary :)
PS - The other 25% is linen so the same theory works for your 12th anniversary too!
I have the same fertility fear. Glad that I am not alone:-) Funny you are thinking about the cotton anniversary, our 2nd wedding anniversary is Monday, I ended up getting the hubs a Zombie T-shirt (he loves zombies:-)) Happy early anniversary!
i love the healthy choice steamers! they are delicious. i've been trying to get a different one each week for a treat for lunch!
Have a great weekend with your parents!! I'm the same way, I'd rather spend my money on great vacations than just things.
that's a lot of weekends traveling, but how fun!
Ahhh love the first picture- the clothes, hair, boots, all of it! No way I could pull it off.
Charting. Teaches you all new things about your body, right? :)
I'm with you on putting together outfits. I only wish I could dress myself like that!
As for anniversary gifts, I bought J a gym bag (I know, romantic, right?). He really wanted one, so that's what he got. BUT, to tie in cotton I bought a card off Etsy made from 100% cotton paper. I'd send you the link but it looks like Etsy's site is down right now. That was the best I could do with cotton this year!
Oh cute wallet!! And I love that Healthy Choice meal, too!
Totally agree! I would rather spend money on any sort of travel than spend it on clothes or stuff for our apartment. I just feel like now is the time to make travel a priority (before babies, home ownership, etc. come our way!)
First of all, you would look adorable in that outfit! I would love a new wallet too, that KS one looks great! I think it is so much fun to travel with the Hubs, we love to travel too. You can come visit and get a healthy dose of summer! and of course there's so much sightseeing or just hangin' we could do! :)
I will never go back on BC due to charting now!
That is the cutest video (Jessica's Daily Affirmation)! I had never seen it before this. Thanks for posting it!
And hooray for lots of travel! My husband and I are hoping to do more of that.
Love the outfit - you could definitely pull it off. I love that dress you're wearing in the post too! Super cute!
Oh I love the kate spade wallet! If you have a short luteal phase you might want to have them check your thyroid! Often times a slightly underactive thyroid (not enough to warrent serious concern) can cause a shortened luteal phase!
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