And they would NOT let me.
My two choices were First Name, Middle Name, New Last Name or First Name, Middle Name Maiden Name, New Last Name. I blogged all about that drama here.
So for over a year my Social Security Card (which has my name as First Name, Maiden Name, New Last Name) and my Driver's License (which has my name as First Name, Middle Name Maiden Name, New Last Name) did not match.
Um yeah, that caused some problems!
Well, on Monday night while I was out celebrating my work promotion with the Mr. I somehow dropped/lost my driver's license. Ooops.
I decided that if I was going to go back to the DMV to get new license I should try to get my correct name on that license.
I'd heard from Mrs. Kiwi on Wedding Bee that the Culver City DMV let her get the name she wanted, so today I went over there to get a new license. I waited about an hour an half before they finally they called my number. Then I explained to the nice lady that the Long Beach DMV "accidentally" left my middle name and maiden name on my license and explained to her that I needed to drop my middle name to match my Social Security card. And guess what?! She let me! Hallelujah!
So in about seven days I'll be in possession of a California Driver's license that reads: First Name, Maiden Name, New Last Name. YAY!
Speaking of Monday night's promotion celebration here are some pictures from it.
The Mr. congratulated me with flowers, a card, and champagne. So sweet!
Hilarious card!
I changed my clothes and was ready to celebrate!
We enjoyed wine at District Wine, a fantastic new wine bar in our neighborhood.
And we ate sushi and drank sake at Wokano!
Does anyone else out there have any name change horror stories?
You two are SO cute. I had a terrible time at the SS office! They were all so rude!
Congrats on your promotion! I totally thought you could change your name however you want. I hope I don't have any problems! I'm going to become first, maiden, married like you
Congratulations on the promotion and the name change! Good news! When I changed my name, I left so much time for the Social Security office and it took like 5 minutes. The DMV was bad as usual :)
What an awesome checklist! Love it. Glad you were finally able to get it all straightened out. :)
Congrats on the promotion, you look so happy in your pictures! Glad you were able to get your name changed. I'm sure I'll experience the fun of the DMV next summer. :)
Congrats on the promotion!
I had to have my done 3 times once. I had been living in another state and got married. They issued my old license first from my home state. Then I had to go back through the line so they could update it with my married name. That was trip 1! Then I had to go back again because I learned when I got my new debit card that they had spelled my last name wrong on my license! That was really annoying!
I've only done half the work of changing my name. I changed my license but never my ss. After 4 years I still haven't had a problem.
i double barrelled my name with newname-husbands surname when we got married, which still isn;t that common here, so i still get flushed and embarasse when I have to say it because everyone raises an eyebrow!
p.s congrats on promo!
Congratulations on the promotion!
I just got my updated driver license card back the other day... with my first name - middle name - new last name... NOT what I asked for! I'm so angry with them. So I feel your pain on that. Hopefully I can get it taken care of this week!
Congrats on the promotion!
Congratulations on your promotion!
OMG pretty!!! Congrats on the promotion! I know you deserve it!
Congrats on your promotion and finally getting your name right on your card! You know, I hear such horror stories with girls getting their name changed. I had a pretty easy time. I kept all four names on my cards. I made my maiden name a second middle name. :)
I love your husband's card to you. That's hilarious. :D
So cute! I don't have any horror stories, other than waiting in line for a new Social Security card for 2.5 hours. Not fun!
I have never heard of this problem - I changed my name without incident! How strange and annoying! The biggest problem I had with my name change was on all of my store rewards cards, e.g. CVS, Jiffy Lube, etc... Poor Jiffy Lube is still confused about who I am ;)
Congrats on the promotion! Looks like you two had a fabulous night :)
Congratulations!!! Love the celebration photos! Good for you.
WHOOO HOOO!! Congrats on the promo :) YAY!! I got one, too, but haven't been home since Monday when I found out to celebrate properly!
What a PAIN! did get a sweet new promotion and that's pretty cool! Also, love the card he picked for you :)
You never know if you don't ask :)
UGH! name changing is the worse! I'm glad they were able to help you and FIX it! you two are so cute! love reading about your little adventures!
Yay! That's great news about your license!
Congrats on the promotion!!! My name changed was a complete disaster involving leaving my passport at the SSN office. I went to DMV 3 times because they misspelled my new last name. I wasted about 8 hrs trying to get the process done. I told my husband he better stay with me forever because I am not going through that again.
Congrats on the promotion!
It was ridiculously easy to get my name changed so I always feel bad for you guys with such horror stories. But I'm so glad they didn't happen to me!
Yay, congrats again on the promotion! that card is hilarious! and sounded like a fun (and very yummy) celebratory night! and yay for finally getting your name changed, I can't believe they didn't let you do it before! :)
Congrats on the promotion! Have you signed up for your wine club yet? :)
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