One thing that the Mr. and I really enjoy doing together is renting TV shows on Netflix. We love to crack a bottle a wine and watch a few back-to-back episodes on our giant TV with surround sound (the Mr.'s baby).
What we've watched
We watched 5 seasons of The Office on Netflix.
We quit watching The Office this year, half-way through season 6, because, in our opinion, it got dumb. Sorry, current Office fans!
We watched 4 seasons of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on Netflix. LOVE. THAT. SHOW. I know it can be crude and not-PC, but it's SO funny. We're super excited that season 5 is on Netflix in September!
Also, we watched all 9 seasons of The X-Files. Don't judge us for being geeks, ok?
Although, I quit watching someplace in Season 8, because the show really jumped the shark toward the end.
What we're currently watching
We finally jumped on the Mad Men bandwagon and started watching Season 1. Despite all the cheating, I really like it! We'll definitely be renting more Mad Men soon.
What's up next
Obviously more Always Sunny and Mad Men.
Also, maybe Dexter, Season 4. We watched Seasons 1-3 of Dexter back when I had Showtime. But the Mr. quit half-way through Season 3 because he hated that Dexter and Rita were getting married and having a baby. I'm trying to convince him to rent Season 4 with me because apparently Rita dies in the last episode.
We're also going to rent the 1990s cult-classic, Twin Peaks.
I'm also trying to convince the Mr. that The West Wing is not liberal propaganda and that we should start renting those (even though I watched many of them live in the late 1990s/early 2000s.) So far I've gotten a "maybe" out of him.
Also, I've been watching Friday Night Lights and How I Met Your Mother on my own on DVR and borrowed DVDs -- But I've been unable to convince the Mr. that they are not "girl shows."
What TV shows do you and your husband/significant other love to watch together?
Life Lately: Week 51
6 days ago
We both LOVE How I Met Your Mother! It's so funny :)
My boyfriend and I watched all 4 seasons of Dexter in about a month; we became obsessed! We also got on a CSI kick for a while and would watch marathons on Saturdays. And right now, I'm trying to get him into Criminal Minds, because I LOVE that show.
We love TV via Netflix DVD's as well! Last summer we watched all of the seasons of House, and this summer we've watched seasons 1 and 2 of True Blood and are currently watching season 1 on Mad Men! It's the perfect hobby to lazy summer nights when there's nothing to watch!
We are huge fans of Friday Night Lights! It's a great mix of drama, character development, and football. Also, we always crack up watching The Soup.
We are also watching Dexter through netflix and I am LOVING it. Except eekk this post gave me spoilers! We just started season 3!
We watched all the "Band of Brothers" and "The Pacific" by HBO on WW2 and they were great! We heard good things about "The Wire" too and have that on our netflix que and my husband loves them but I am having more trouble staying into it now that we are on Season 3.
Also adding to say I caught up on True Blood this way and we re watched some Mad Men this way since we love that show sooo much!
My husband doesn't watch Friday Night Lights but I think he would if I asked him too. I mean its a show centered around Texas Football. (right up his alley)
My husband got me into watching "How I Met Your Mother" The earlier seasons were amazing now its getting kind of lack luster but barney makes up for it. The show could be dead but as long as NPH is on it I will watch.
B and I watch The Office together. We actually stopped watching this season too because it got dumb! :)
We have the X-Files on ours too. Along with Heroes.. oh boy! :D
Next up - Dexter!!! I love how similar we are!
Ooo. You've given me some great ideas! I'm currently watching ALIAS, but I've always wanted to see Dexter, so I think I'll watch that one next. And I never did watch The West Wing, so maybe that one too!
Love me some TV. :)
Ty and I have never had a tv show that we watch together. Probably because he does not have time for tv right now and because we don't like the same things. BUT, netflix has helped that situation. I think we need to start Dexter.
we love the office! Ill have to check out those other shows!
I'm a fan of The Office but also agree that it has gotten lame. I can't stop watching because I want to love it so badly, but, it's not the same. Sad!!
I used to LOVE the office! Thats all I've seen though :) I need to catch up!
You have to try True Blood, Hung and Entourage (we're HBO junkies)!! We've also Netflixed every season of Criminal Minds.
Out of all the shows you listed I have only seen one (The Office) which is weird for me since I am so addicted to television! We LOVE Friday Night Lights.
We are office fanatics and have been wanting to try Mad Men. We need to check it out!
We love instant Netflix, The Office and MadMen too!
You should try Arrested Development. It is available on instant and is so funny! Too bad there are only three seasons!
Hello! I stumbled on your blog a while ago and I had to comment on this post. My hubby and I watch HOURS of Netflix TV shows together! We've been trying to save money, so almost every night we pour some wine, lounge on the couch and watch something together. We made it though the first 4 seasons of X-Files - and yes, every one of my friends made fun of us! We've watched the Office, Dexter, True Blood (I LOVE True Blood – you gotta try it!) and 30 Rock (if you like the Office, you’ll love 30 Rock). I want to try Mad Men soon. Anyway, it's nice to know that we’re not the only Netflix addicts out there! :) Take care!
Just started watching Dexter and am still on season 1 but I'm totally addicted and I love it!
I love some of the episodes on It's Always Sunny but some of them are just way to crazy!
I love the idea of watching TV shows on Netflix! I may have to pick up the Mad Men one.. I never seem to watch it live, but catching up on DVDs may be doable.
We both watch HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, Dexter and Glee together. Hubby is watching West Wing. I just couldn't get into so he continued on without me.
I want to watch all the X-Files again at some point. Same thing with The Sopranos.
I'd have to agree, The Office was pretty lame this season.
Me and Big Man love How I Met Your Mother tho.
We like The Office, Pawn Stars, Holmes On Homes, Mad Men & Red Sox games!
My husband and I are Law and Order type junkies so we loved watching The Wire on Netflix. The discs couldn't arrive soon enough! It can be a bit too gritty sometimes but it's a pretty interesting social commentary.
I am pretty sure if we lived near one another, we'd be great couple friends! Friday Night Lights is a favorite of mine, but J totally calls it a girl show! We also love Dexter and The Office, but we're with you guys, it got dumb!
Here are some of our other favorites we've watched on Netflix: Freaks and Geeks, 30 Rock, and True Blood.
Always Sunny in Philadelphia is in our day we'll get to it :)
It seems that being a netflix tv junkie is pretty common. :)
We definitely love our tv shows and our netflix! Favorites of ours are How I Met Your Mother, Mad Men, and 30 Rock. We also went through all of the seasons of Boston Legal pretty quickly... loved that show as well! I love FNL, and he likes it well enough, but definitely doesn't like it nearly as much as I do.
We love Netflix!!!
We watch Dexter too!!!!! And so many other shows and movies.. our queue can probably last us until the end of the year. LOL
We can almost never agree on tv shows. Really the only shows we both enjoy watching are on the food network
The West Wing is one of my all time favorite shows!!!
Great shows! I just hope that we have some sort of TV in Czech Republic next week!
We just finished several seasons of Weeds on Netflix. We also love TrueBlood and It's Always Sunny. Our absolute favorite is How I Met Your Mother so keep working on the Mr. :) My husband loves it!
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