Thursday, September 09, 2010

More on Money

Work has been crazy, so I don't have too much to blog about. So, I thought I'd talk more about one of my favorite topics that I know everyone loves... money and savings.

First of all, thank you so much for all of your awesome comments on our "Year of Money Tracking and Budgeting" post. And thank you to the fantastic money-saving blog, "Lean with Green" for the praise as well! You guys all rock.

Many of you asked about the spreadsheet I use to track our money. So I "scrubbed" our money tracking and budgeting spreadsheet of all of the real numbers and made every number equal $100 and posted it to google documents here.

Note: You must have basic knowledge of MS Excel and Excel formulas to use this multi-tabbed spreadsheet. But if you do know how to use Excel, you'll see that the formulas are already in there for you. You just need to download the document and plug in your own numbers. You'll need to add more tabs for each month of the year.

Our big financial goal this year is to do steps 1-4 of Dave Ramsey's Seven Baby Steps. We've already completed step 1! And step 2 shouldn't be that hard because we don't have any credit card debt.

Have any of you done Dave Ramsey?


Mrs. Lukie said...

We are DR die hards in this house ;) We live & breathe his ways. We are currently on Step 4 and will hopefully be moving on to Step 5 at some point in the next few years.

It really is a wonderful program to follow!

Meghan said...

This is awesome, thank you for sharing your spreadsheet! I am not the best at tracking expenses, but it is definitely a goal of mine to be better. I've only recently heard of Dave Ramsey, I'll check out the Baby Steps.

Joanna said...

Wow! I'm so curious about this program now! Hope you had a good labor day!

michelle ellis said...

I LOVE Dave Ramsey! We are working on Baby Step 2 also! I want these cars paid off!!!!

Anonymous said...

I so want to read his stuff and just haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for sharing your spreadsheet!!

Rachel @ Little Kitchen, Big Bites said...

Thank you so much for posting your spreadsheet! Hubby and I have been trying to figure how how we want to do our budget tracking and this is a great way to start!

Mojito Maven said...

We've never done DR, but looking at Steps 1-7, we skipped step 5 and are on step 6! SO YAY.

Our motto has always been to live within your means while still putting money in savings. Always. I like this spreadsheet and might have to use it!

katielipovsky said...

Thanks for sharing the spreadsheets! My husband and I got married in April and we started trying to keep detailed records--but, I'm not thrilled with the spreadsheet I created. So, thanks for sharing!

sincerely jen said...

your spreadsheet rocked! my husband loved it as well. I did one for the month of august so I could get an idea of our spending...lets just say we could cut our going out to dinner in half, still have fun going out and be able to afford the new suv I want/need!

Lindsay said...

I love your post! This is so helpful!

Rebecca (Craving Simplicity) said...

This is great! I'm actually blogging about Dave tomorrow! :)

Brittney said...

We are BFF with Dave Ramsey. I love his way of thinking! We're big savers over here!

That's Mrs. Russell said...

hubby and I have been back and forth with DR but haven't yet committed completely. good post.

Rebecca said...

We are die hard DR fans. We are currently finishing up baby step 2 and looking forward to continuing down the road of progress

Becky said...

I just started looking at Dave Ramsey's steps and without knowing anything about him or his program we are already on step 5 and are doing really well with it. Good luck!

Kelly said...

We are currently on baby step 2, stupid student loans... Hoping to get those knocked out this year!

LWLH said...

I've heard alot about this guy, i'm going to check him out.

Michelle said...

We are in the midst of the baby step 2. I think Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover is the way to manage your money and is totally life-chaning.

Good luck!

Jen | Our Life Accounts said...

We are big fans of Dave Ramsey and his financial peace workshop! We are currently working our way through steps 2-4, can't wait to have them completed-darn student loans! Love your spreadsheet, we have a similar one that I track our budget and spending for each month in.
Do you guys follow the DR school of thought where you take each paycheck and "spend" every dollar of it before it comes in? I can't quite bring myself to do the cash in the envelopes system, I like the security of my credit cards too much!

I posted about our budget a little while ago if you're interested, I have a feeling we have a similar system!

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