And with that simple ad, an idea was born. I decided then and there that I would be thin, toned, and hot at my 10 year reunion.
And I proceed to carry this idea around with me for many years after. So much so that I even decided that I didn't want to try for babies until after the 10 year reunion (I even put that on my Baby Bucket List).
I'm not sure why I got stuck on this idea so hard. I mean I was not a fat girl in high school. But I was not a skinny-mini thing either. I'm tall and Scandinavian, so I do remember feeling "big" a lot in high school, even though I was not.
As evidence, here I am, summer before my senior year.

I mean, I was a double varsity athlete for gosh sakes, so I was in good shape. I just never felt like I was "hot" like the smaller cheerleader friends of mine.

As I've grown up I've gotten more comfortable in my own skin. I appreciate that I have a husband who loves me as I am, that I can afford to buy nutritious food, and that I have a body that's rarely sick or injured.
But last week when I got the invitation to my 10 year high school reunion, I couldn't help but remember my goal, set over 8 years ago, of rockin' a killer bod at that reunion.
So I did some quick math... my reunion is in 12 weeks and I'd like to lose 10 pounds.
Losing 10 pounds would bring me down to my wedding weight, which was the lightest I had weighed since I was 13 years old.

OK, 10 lbs in 12 weeks, I can do this, right?!
I just keep reminding myself that "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" and that "sweat is fat crying." I even started a Pinterest workout motivation board to counteract all the delicious sweets I see on Pinterest. Like these amazing truffles that I plan to reward myself with in October.
So tell me, did you go to your 10 year reunion? Did you do anything to prepare? And more importantly, was it a good time?
And are there any other Class of 2001ers out there?
ahhh - I am in charge of planning my 10 yr reunion for 2012 ... I totally joined a gym with my husband so that I can go ahead and get on the get-fit for the reunion plan! I'm hoping that whatever we end up planning is fun :)
You can totally do this!!! BUT you already look awesome lady!
I skipped my 10 year reunions. I'll probably go to my 20 year reunions though.
You look great now! So if you don't lose that 12 don't beat yourself up! You will look fantastic no matter what!!! I love that wedding pic!
Half the people I went to high school with got knocked up or ended up out of state so I'm unsure if I would even go.
Hahaha I love it...I still have a few years until my reunion but I feel the same way.
PS Love the high school and the wedding pics :)
You're going to look great regardless! :)
My 10 year reunion is coming up too, next spring! I'm 2002! :)
I am a 2001 grad too! Funny enough, my reunion as the same day as our wedding, so I can't go. Even though I am not trying to lose weight, I do want to tone up and get stronger for our wedding day, so that is my goal for now! I saw on twitter that you found Skinny Taste- love all her recipes!
I love your quotes... "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" and that "sweat is fat crying." Brilliant, I'll be using those :) Good luck, although you already look fantastic!
I'm from a small town and so we had a 5 year & a 10 year. I went to my 5 year only because I was getting ready to leave the state and I was getting out of the little town! It was mostly filled with people that I saw every so often or I knew what was going on with them. It was sort of a joke.
My 10 year reunion happened to fall on my birthday and I didn't really want to spend my birthday that way! Plus I got engaged the day before my birthday that year and I wanted to celebrate that with people I didn't go to HS with! Sadly I think it was nearly the same people again so I really didn't miss anything. Plus the friends I had in HS weren't going so I really didn't care to be there.
Maybe if we have a 15 or 20 year I'll go. After 5 years people hadn't lost their HS cliques yet, and at 10 I'm not sure they were really gone then either. With FB I know what's happening with most people anyway without going to a reunion!
On a side note, I was way skinnier in HS than I am now. It wouldn't stop me from going and I'm sure there are others who aren't as thin as they were in HS anymore!
I'm a 2001er currently planning my reunion.
My panic set in LAST June when I went to my Alma Mater's graduation. It hit me all at once that in a year, my brother would be graduating and that I'd be going to my 10 year reunion.
Since then, I've dropped 20-25 lbs and am still kicking. I'd like to get rid of another 5 before the reunion (August).
I'd like to be at my goal weight, but it isn't going to happen in the next 5 1/2 weeks, lol. I'm already way smaller than I was in HS, so I'm basically satisfied.
My 10th yr reunion is this summer too! Hah, I love "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" I hope it is class didnt have a 5 yr reunion, did yours?
You are a baby! I'll have my 20 in 3 years! I did not go to my 10 but would have been a rock star and about 15 pounds lighter! you rock on too!
I was huge and preggo at my 10 was terrible! You will look awesome, I'm sure!! I have stumbled on some amazing, all-natural products that stabilizes your blood sugar to reduce cravings and curb appetite! I am thrilled to be heading to my hubby's 20 year reunion after losing 21 pounds and 14.5 inches!!! IT was easy and quick! I have a link on my side bar of my blog if you want to check it out!! Plexus Slim is awesome! LOVE your blog!! :)
I'm class of '02, so I have a year to wait. I'm not sure if I'm going to go or not. I realize most people don't have to decide this far in advance, but considering going would require a flight, I've put some thought into in. I'm thinking, at the very least it might be an excuse to travel home.
I am a class of 01er too but I have no plans reuniting with anyone from my class. Have fun at your reunion & 10 lbs. is definitely do-able even though you are gorgeous just the way you are! :)
You can totally do that! I missed mine because I was pregnant. That wedding picture is so beautiful!
I always wanted to be itty bitty in high school too - at 5 FT 7 IN, that wasn't really possible for me. Although I was thin, I never felt "little", so I totally understand what you mean!
You've got this in the bag! Healthy amount to lose is usually around 1-4 and I believe no more than 5 a week. you can do it!! My reunion was suppose to be in Sept but it's been moved to November. I've been working out and using sparkpeople to track everything, lost 15 so far. I think you look FAB already but do it for you and nobody else.
I should have been Class of 2001 but I was in a real hurry to get out of my hometown so I graduated in '00. Since all my friends were '01, though, if I'd have been able to attend a reunion, I would have gone to the '01. But I live 1500 miles away now, so it seemed like a waste of money.
I think you look great, but 12 weeks is plenty of time to lose 10 lbs healthily! Good luck =)
Wait- how did you go from feeling secure in your body at the top of the post, to "nothing tastes as good as being thin" I think you look great, and if you're working out to be healthy and happy with yourself, than more power to you.
Do you really believe that nothing tastes as good as being thin??
I'm a 2001er, and was tiny in high school, not so much now. Sure, I probably will try to lose a few pounds, but I only have about 5 weeks, and am not going to freak about it. Besides, everyone sees me on Facebook anyway, it's not like I'm going to surprise anyone.
I refuse to believe you have your ten year reunion coming up--you look too young! Sorry, I know some people don't like being told that, but, I personally, LOVE when someone thinks I look younger than I am, so, apologies if you don't like that!
ANYWAYS. I really am excited for my ten year reunion, even though it's still a few years off--but, I can't wait to go back and see all my old friends and goof off in our teeny tiny little hometown.
You can do it, but I think you're fine just as you are! My 10 year reunion will be next year (Class of '02), and I'm pretty sure I'll be there. I always said in high school I'd be at the reunion married and pregnant, although now I wonder why in the world I would say that. So far I'm neither married nor pregnant, and happy with that choice. It's funny what goals we have in mind for hs reunions, so far in advance. I love "sweat is fat crying." I'm definitely going to use that at the gym this week!
Ah, the 10 year reunion... I've already had mine, but definitely felt similarly. You look fantastic already, but I can totally relate to how you feel. I think 10 lbs. in 12 weeks is doable. Summer is a good time to try to shed those last pounds... I always feel like outdoor exercise is so much more enjoyable and you have all that great summer produce to enjoy. Good luck!
So, I totally borrowed your "sweat is making fat cry" line today on my 2 a day.
My work out buddy and I laughed all day about it!
I can't believe I can't go! Stupid moving. Take lots of pictures for me. And good luck with your diet! I think you look great :)
You look great and I can't believe my 10 year reunion isn't that far away! GAH! :)
Hah. "Sweat is fat crying" - that is awesome. I am going to have to use that one. Isn't it amazing how our past seems to never leave us? That girl from 8 years ago is still talking to you. But don't worry - 10 pounds or not, you'll look awesome at your reunion because you're you!
Girl.....stop it! Don't stress about this. You look fantastic and don't need to lose a pound. I had my 10 year reunion last year, and trust me, nobody cares about each others' bodies (with maybe the exception of someone blowing up to 300lbs or something, that may get people to Everyone's just excited to see and catch up with old friends. And if there is anyone out there that is judging people for being a few lbs heavier than high school (which 90% of people are),they're not worth your time anyway.
And don't Scandinavian ladies are strong, sturdy and athletic by nature. It's just not in our genes to be a twig! Def go back to the motherland for a trip sometime body image booster ever!
P.S. I was 15 lbs heavier than my high school weight at my reunion and several of my old guy friends who I hadn't seen in ages told me that I looked way hotter than in HS. Seriously, don't sweat it. :)
My 10 year is coming up next year and I have the same plan. I want to look really good! I think you can totally do 10 pounds in that amount of time.
hahahahaha. I was obsessed with being thin for my 10 year too- and it is in a couple weeks and I had a baby a couple months ago and I am huge and don’t even want to go. For real- I don’t want to go because of how I look. Everyone says IM being ridiculous, but its how I feel.
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