That was odd because if you had asked in late 2010 about what I thought 2011 would be like I would have said it was going to be a year of massive change. But it was not.
Instead we lived in the same condo, with the same jobs, with the same friends, cat, church, routines, etc. A lot of our vacations were even repeats of vacations of the past (Arizona, Oregon, Missouri). Even my job project change in July turned out to be not much of a change at all. My new project/client was so similar in terms of the people, company, and project objectives that sometimes it felt like I never left my old one (except for the insane workload I carried). In fact 2011 was one of the least change-filled years of my life. It wasn’t a bad year, but looking back on the year I felt like I couldn’t point to anything defining about it, like it was just kind of a “stuck” year.
Well I feel like God heard my comment and said, “You want change, eh? I’ll give you change!”

Earlier this week we found out that we are going to be moving.
This is something we’ve been planning for a while, but the pieces are finally coming together to make that move happen SOON. It will likely be a multi-phase move, which involves getting to pack up multiple times this year (lucky us!). I promise I’ll share more details on the whole thing later when we know more.
This move is sure to be a catalyst for a lot of change in our lives – it opens the door all kinds of personal and professional opportunities (for the record, neither of have any plans to leave our companies at this point but there may be some internal role/project changes for one or both of us). One of my biggest regrets was buying that dumb condo at the ripe old age of 24. For the the first time in along time we’re no long tied to a property or a city, and the possibilities for us are really endless.
There are so many unknowns this point, and this type-A girl is doing her best to roll with it and have fun. Enjoy the adventure, enjoy the ride. That’s what your 20s are supposed to be all about, right?
I can't wait to hear how everything turns out. It sounds like an exciting time!
So happy for you that you found a buyer!!! How exciting.
Congrats!! I'm so happy for you two!! Keep us posted!
That's awesome! The Mister and I have held off on buying a home for the exact reasons you mention - when we do take the plunge, we want to be clear that we plan on staying in the property we chose for fifteen to twenty. Especially considering the fact that we would be lucky to see any ROI if we sold a a place within the next five years-ish.
Can't wait to read about your new adventures!
So exciting to have such a big change! Your condo is beautiful but I totally know the feeling of not being "tied" to a specific piece of property and a mortgage.
I hope things go well with your changes!!
Can't wait to hear about how it all works out! :)
Good luck!
It sounds like there are some exciting things in your future- sending you lots of good thoughts. Can't wait to hear more!
Holy cow, this is huge! Congrats!!!
Sounds like such an exciting time in your life!
I am so happy about all the changes. It is always nice. For us, 2012 is a year of big changes too and I am really excited about it.
Good Luck and I can't wait to hear more ; )
What an exciting time! Change is always good. I agree about the being tied down part, my hubby and I have been talking about moving as well and selling our home. I guess we shall see! Good luck with everything!
2011 felt the same for us as well. Please tell me Denver is on the list of places to move ;)
This post is a tease! Can't wait to hear what happens next... Excited for you two!
Good luck with all of these changes! Enjoy the ride, no matter how crazy it may get!
Wow how exciting!! You guys are so adventurous...I can't wait to hear more about all of the details! Hubs and I are thinking about moving and I'm already nervous about it so multi moves a year is super amazing to me!
So happy to hear this news!!! I know 2012 will be a great year for you guys!! xo
Ah, the anticipation!
Sounds like this is a welcome adventure, despite the uncertainty. Moving for us was thrilling. Not-so-thrilling anymore now that we're totally settled in, but a blast it was!
Wishing you guys the best. :)
Super exciting! Wishing you the best of luck! Can't wait to hear more!
Can't wait to see how it all shakes out.
It's going to be such a great year!! Can't wait to see what it has in store for you!
If I remember you've been wanting to move from your condo for a while, so I'm glad to hear it's finally happening!
This sounds so exciting! Moving is always such a wonderful chance to reorganize and fine-tune things! Can't wait to hear where you go!
How exciting!!
I can't wait to hear more!
I'm excited for you!!! God is going to do BIG things for you 2 this year. I know it.
And hang in there with the moving/packing part. It's no fun, but keep thinking of what it will lead to :)
I am so excited for you and your hubby. I am right there with you with changes in your 20's. We are trying to tackle our debt and keep kicking ourselves over that stupid investment we made in our early 20's.
What an exciting change for you in 2012! Change can be scary, but it can also be wonderful. I can't wait to hear more.
Sounds exciting! Lots of prayers your way that things turn out just how you want them too. :)
yay for change!!
Oh my gosh! How exciting!!! I can't wait to hear where you're moving to?! Are you staying in the same city?
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