A few weeks ago I got an iPhone. And since then I've been busy!
Busy asking Siri questions, telling her to set my alarm, and yelling at her when she she doesn't understand me.
Busy making words with my friends.
And busy Instagramming everything in sight...
Random mementos from our dinner at Melisse? Instragrammed.
Pet cemetery at Disneyland? Instragammed.
Myself in the car? Instagrammed!
Seriously, I have to resist the urge take a picture of every inanimate object in sight just to instagram it. Who knew a few photo filters could be SO addicting?
I know I am about 4 years late to the iPhone party, but I have to say, I like it a lot. I feel like my old Droid was pretty good (probably because Droids are becoming more like iPhones every month), but the iPhone is just a little more "slick" and easy to use.
I've got lot of other apps too... Pandora, Pinterest, CNN, Yelp, Flixter, Netflix, MyFitnessPal, The Bible, Southwest, and All Snow. But I'm always on the hunt for new apps. What iPhone apps do you like?
Life Lately: Week 2
6 days ago
mobile RSS, telenav (gps), pinterest, twitter, pandora, happy hours, sleep stream 2, flashlight, tip check, e! online, US, red stamp, good reads, score center, hello vino, red box, tune in radio, flixter, shazam, blogger, whole foods recipes, spark recipes, calorie counter, lose it, jillian michaels slim down, food on the table, sephora, opi, itranslate, currency, taxi magic, gas buddy, kayak, around me, amazon, red laser, card star, scout mob, michaels, find iphone (YOU NEED THIS!), emoji free, into now, bill keeper, hey tell, lol animals, i can has cheezburger. enjoy! :)
I am so looking forward to get an IPHONE hopefully next month
You hit on all my favorite apps! Somehow taking a picture with a filter is so much better than a plain one, for some reason. :)
If you like words with friends, try scramble with friends. It's my newest addiction! It's basically a game of boggle against an opponent. :)
I felt like I was late to the iphone too! I loved my blackberry & I was ready to hang on to it one more year when it bit the dust. I think they wanted to talk me into something other than an iphone, but I already had my mind set & it was the same price as the others. I really do like it. I love instagram too! I recommend shop savvy because it has the barcode scanner & also shopkick is supposed to build points when you walk into certain stores and you can redeem them for gift cards and such.
Love myfitnesspal! I just got my husband into that one.
Epic Fail is a guilty pleasure of ours ha.
ahh how was melisse? and can we get a life update please? i want to hear more about the new job and the new place and your travels!
you listed most of my fav apps...i love facebook, people.com, shazam, twitter, etsy, weatherchannel.com, and bank of america too!
I got an Iphone too! I absolutely love it!
Instagram is a MUST HAVE -#jessicaldrew!!!
I've just ventured into "draw something" as of yesterday so I'm sure it'll be my new favorite.
ill be doing the same thing once i get an Iphone!!! Hope you doing great!!!
Yay!!! I am so addicted to Instagram as well. Welcome to the iphone world.
Loooove instagram! I have a personal phone (iPhone) and work phone (Droid) and each has it's perks - but I do love all the apps on the iPhone.
In terms of iPhone apps - I also use Fast Customer (instead of waiting on hold, it logs your place and calls you when a customer service rep is ready - they have lots of companies in their database like airlines, hotels, etc), twitter, Evernote (good for saving photos or lists you refer to daily, I actually use it to program my favorite Minnesota radio stations in my rental car each week), PicFrame (split screen for photos - use it a lot before instagramming).
Everyone is instragramming! I want an iPhone so I can instagram too!
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