I have to take a day to brag about my little brother-in-law, Elijah, who has recently become a huge celebrity in the world of track and field!
Elijah currently has the fastest high school time in the nation in the 800 meters! His current time is: 1 minute 48 seconds. (For you non-track people 800 m is basically two laps around the track). AND he has the fastest high school time in the nation for the 1500 meters (current time is: 3 minutes 50 seconds).
This weekend he is running in a huge race (the PreFontaine Classic) with Olympians and will try to break the all-time National High School record for the 800 m! (which he’s already very close to beating)
He’s recently had a cover story in ESPN Rise Magazine.
He’s been featured in Dyestat.
{click the image above to read the story}
And he has been a frequent local story on TV stations in Portland, Oregon. Check out this Fox News feature on him: http://www.kptv.com/video/19558612/index.html
Elijah is currently a Senior in High School and will run next year for the University of Oregon. Oregon has a legendary track program and he chose Oregon because going there will give him the best chance of going to the Olympics in 2012. Yes, people are already talking about him being an Olympic contender (see Fox new story above). Isn’t that crazy!?
So we may be going in London in three years!
But Olympics or not, we are all so proud of him already. His work ethic, attitude, and spirit are just amazing. We love you, Elijah!
Here I am with “my boys”, the Mr. and his three younger brothers, at Thanksgiving last year.
Life Lately: Week 9
6 days ago
Way to go Elijah! How awesome! He looks a lot like your husband!
That is so fantastic!! I'm so envious of those runners! They are simply amazing. And you have one in your family!! Super cool :)
Wow that's amazing!!!
I'd take 3 days!
wow! how exciting. My husband loves to run too...YUCKY!
That's awesome!!!
Wow, how cool!!!
That is so cool!
wow, how lucky is he to be that talented!
That is amazing! Lots of luck to him! You will have to keep us updated on him.
AHHHH I love this post :) How exciting and duh he had to go to Oregon... that is the best for track! I want to go up to Oregon just to go to their track meets. How lame am I :) I will be sending you an email soon :)
how awesome! so glad to get caught up on ur blog:) Ive missed you:)
wow that's so awesome!
I didn't realize the Mr. has 3 younger brothers. My husband also has 3 younger brothers!
that's so exciting! josh's little sister is going to Italy this summer for the Junior Olympics for Roller Hockey!
That is awesome!
So cool!! Congrats to your little brother-in-law!
That's pretty exciting! Here's wishing him good luck this weekend!
that is so awesome!! i wish i was a runner...
This is so cool!
I showed this post to my husband who is a high school cross country coach, and he thought it was pretty amazing : )
Oregon is beautiful by the way - you will have to go watch some meets next year ; )
That's incredible! As a former track girl myself, I know there are no words to say how truly gifted he must be. And he's going to Oregon? Isn't that the same school the legendary runner Prefontaine ran for? (Wow, I know I must be a nerd now for saying that. haha)
That is so cool! I am going to keep an eye out for him in Runner's World magazine ;)
That's so cool! What an amazing talented guy! You must let us know how he gets on!
Saskia x
Hey, that's awesome! Way to go little bro!
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