Apparently I was a little absent-minded while packing on Sunday because I managed to forget:
1. My laptop power cord!
So, I’ve been borrowing co-workers cords all week… they looove me
2. My foundation makeup!
What did I do as my workaround? I took face lotion and mixed it with a couple of drops of under-eye concealer and rubbed the concoction all over my face as a base. Then I covered it up with a bit of powder bronzer. My face is bit more “bronze” than usual, but overall it worked great!

Packing fail. I should really read my own travel trips.
Also, Angela asked how Elijah’s race was. Thanks Angela! Here’s the update...
The Prefontaine Classic was nationally televised on NBC on Sunday so we got to see Elijah run on NATIONAL TV with Olympians (we DVRed it so we can watch). Amazing! Unfortunately, Elijah did not break the high school record, but he still got a pretty good time (although it was not close to his PR which was a little disappointing). Oregonian/Olympian Nick Symmonds won the race so that was really cool for Elijah to run with him. I told Elijah that if I had been in that race I would have just been so nervous about false starting or about tripping one of the pros or just looking dumb on national TV. Ha!
Elijah will definitely grow his running skills with his Nike-sponsored team at Oregon, so I’m sure he have more opportunities in the coming years. I’ll keep you posted on any big news!
Leaving thing like foundation behind makes me panic, but hey, good save! I'm impressed!
Good tip, I would not have been that smart though, lol...I would have made an emergency trip to MAC to buy a replacement!
I always seem to forget something little but necessary on trips! That is so very exciting about your brother-in-law. I'll have to listen for his name in track news as the years go by.
I am so impressed with your foundation concotion you came up with! I never would have thought to do something like that!
Good save on the foundation! :) I will have to remember that. Also, it's summer so a little more bronze is okay. PS my email is messed up but lets shoot for next week? :)
And congrats to Elijah! :) That's amazing.
Welcome to Northern California! What part are you working in?
small world! Milpitas is 25 minutes from where my parents live!
There is great shopping at Santana Row in San Jose and at the Westfield Valley Fair Mall if you get bored after work!
I always forget something when packing - especially if I'm in a hurry. You came up with a great solution though!
Very smart! I have that Estee Lauder lotion. Do you not LOVE it?!
I tagged you on my blog today! Check it out :-)
I always forget something when ever I go anywhere. But in my case it's usually something like underwear. Can't borrow that!!
Very clever!
PS-Check my blog, got a surprise for ya!
I ALWAYS forget something when packing...but good way to improvise girl :)
Don't feel bad! I always seem to forget something when traveling!
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