We have all kinds of fun plans that I'll tell you about next week.
But first I wanted to ask for your help...
The first anniversary is the paper anniversary, and I can't think of a good gift!

Do you have any fun "paper anniversary" gift ideas? Did you do paper gifts for your first anniversary?
You could do a (paper)confirmation for a great little romantic getaway- Be it one night or a whole week, I think he would love it!
I did this as a wedding gift for my best friend (I was her MOH), but I typed up their wedding vows on neat paper and had them framed in a beautiful frame. It hangs in their bedroom so they have a reminder every day of what they vowed to each other.
The hubs got me plane tickets for our first. I guess he went to the airport and had them printed because it was the actual bording passes. I got him tickets to a Cirque show. Of course I saved the paper and scrapbooked it!
I've been looking for ideas, too! I've thought about tickets as well (to a game, concert, etc). I love the wedding vow idea too - what a sentimental and important gift!
My husband got me another band that matches my wedding ring to balance out my set. I love it but it was quite a big 1st anniversary present.
An art print or piece of art that he wants or likes?
I'm so glad you posted this because I have 3 weeks and I still have no idea what I'm going to do.
I've been making a picture book of the past year starting with our honeymoon up until a week ago. I kept it a secret for almost a yeara, but then I told him the other day because it's almost done and I'm excited and no good at keeping secrets from him.
I also really like the vows idea though....hmmmm
i like typing..or writing the vows out and putting in a frame...
For our first anniversary i made a scrapbook for him containing pictures from our wedding all the way through our first year of marriage and left the last page blank for our 1st Anniversary photo. :o)
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
We did the whole paper thing:
I got Matt tickets to an NBA game....and he got me a cooking class at a local Viking store (which he printed out so it was on paper!)
He also did something else which was really very sweet. He bought me one share of Southwest Airlines. I know...that sounds stupid right? I thought that too at first...but you want to know what their 3 letter ticker name is?? LUV. Yep. He bought me one share of LUV! So cute. It came with a plaque and everything. Apparently they are based out of some city with those letters...
Anyway...good luck!
We went with the paper theme and got each other concert tickets...
We bought a puppy and my husband put his "papers" in a box for me to open!
Thanks for posting - I've got a month and I can't think of anything! :) Make sure you let us know what you decide. :)
I gave my husband tickets to a Nascar Driving experience. He got to drive a real racecar. He loved it.
I like that we share the same wedding anniversary because you are asking the very same question that was on my mind last week!
Here is what I am doing: Since it's the paper anniversary (and because we are really strapped for cash), I am going to frame our marriage certificate & I am going to type up our vows, roll them up, and stick them in a bottle - So it's like a message in a bottle.
I know that historically messages in bottles were sent without any real intent or to an intended person. But when I think of them, it always made me think of someone stranded on a desert island away from their love. Sending a message in a bottle to hopefully be rescued, and also professing their love and faithfulness. And isn't that kind of like life? A lot of people can feel "rescued" when they find their soulmate. (I'll probably have to type a preface explaining that - just to make it clear! :) )
Happy Anniversary!
You could also do a gag gift of anniversary toilet paper. It has love notes written all over it.
My in laws got us jumbo packs of toilet paper, paper towels and kleenex. We still haven't used the paper towels 10 months later. =) It was a fun gift and they wrapped them up all cute.
You can get your wedding invitation or vows framed...you can also just write a nice note...or if there is a piece of paper that has any sentimental value (ticket to a game, front page of a paper, etc) you can get that framed.
I have no clue if you are crafty or not but you could put together a little book chronicling your first year together, your wedding, your honeymoon, or just 10 things you love about him.
I will probably do something like that for our first anniversary.
We didn't do the whole paper thing for our 1st but I really like the framed vows idea.
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