Wasn't the crowd amazing?! It makes you proud to be an American!

And fashionistas out there ... what did we think of Michelle's outfit?

8:00 AM PST - I'm watching the inguaration covertly online at work. Sneaky sneaky.
Political opininons aside (I'm trying not to be too political here), today is a historic day for America!
Today I am praying for Barack Obama and the first Family. In this tough time for America and in the tough roles the Obamas are about to step into, they need all the prayers they can get.

(Isn't it kind of exciting to see little girls moving into the White House? First children and first ladies have always fascinated me.)
On a personal note...
8 years ago President Bush took the Oath of Office. Since then I graduated High School, graduated College, started a job, got engaged, got promoted, bought a house, and got married. I've lived my whole adult life in Bush's America. It's amazing to look back and see how much life can be lived in just 8 years.
What will Obama's America bring to me in the next 4 (or 8?) years? New career opportunities? An addition to our family? Whatever the future brings, today I feel hope for our future in America.
PS- Right now Rick Warren is speaking! Love him! So happy he's doing the prayer!
I am so glad that you seem to feel the same way I do about the Inauguration! So many people seem to think that it shouldn't have a big deal made over it. Whether one agrees that Obama should be President or not, this is about our country now, the choice is over. I'm glad someone else is supporting our country.
Great post!!!!!!! I love that you talked about the day without being hardcore political! I really appreciate that!
I'm excited to see little girls in the white house too! They are adorable. I loved their outfits from today.
It's amazing what happens in a matter of 8 years, huh? Wow! Time flies...
BTW, I left something in my blog for you!
love them!! So happy about it ...and Michelle looked STUNNING!
It is amazing how much can happen over the span of 8 years!
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