Then by the end of High School had graduated to Cosmopolitan Magazine and Glamour Magazine (I look back and now think, “wow I was wayyyy to young to be reading those”, but that’s another whole topic). Cosmo and Glamour were my staples throughout college.

After college, my life changed dramatically and actually quit reading Cosmo/Glamour-type mags (again, another whole topic). I was pretty into celebrity gossip and had a People Magazine subscription (don’t get me wrong, I still love the occasional People as well thesuperficial.com, I just try to limit it now).

Then I got engaged and Modern Bride and Martha Stewart Weddings were always in my travel bag or by my bed.

Then I got married. No more beautiful glossy pages of Vera Wang and Wedgwood for me. (Note: I know that some of you married ladies still read wedding mags, but I just can’t bear to do it. It makes me sad that I don’t get to have 18 weddings so I can do all the fun ideas! Is that crazy?)
So on my Honeymoon, I thought to myself... "what should I read now?"
I tried to go back to old faves, Cosmo and Glamour, but those magazines seemed so empty. Plus I don’t need tips on how to snag a guy at a cocktail party or how to tell if he’s “into me”. He’s into me. He liked it. He “put a ring on it.”

I tried Vogue and some of it’s cousins, but I feel like I’m not into fashion enough to love them.

I’ve tried home and decorating magazines, like Real Simple. Which is great! But not enough on relationships, fashion, and travel.

I'm still searching.
I feel like I may be in a magazine demographic gap here. I’m not old enough for my Mom's More Magazine yet. But too old for Cosmo.
I think this could be a "Sign of Adulthood."
So now that I’m at 25-year-old, happily-married, girl-next-door, what magazine should I read? What magazines do you love? Subscribe to? What magazines would you recommend for me?
Maybe that’s why I like reading all of your blogs so much. A little bit of relationships, a little bit of fashion, a little big of fitness, a little bit of travel. It's perfect! But I want something that I can read on the airplane!
When I was planning my wedding, I frequented a website called theknot.com. They have a website and magazine for newlyweds called The Nest. I would recommend it. I got a few free issues when the magazine launched and it's pretty good.
Redbook or Ladies Home Journal?
I read those!
I enjoy Women's Health. It focuses on health and fitness, but it also has information about relationships (including marriages - not just dating) and fashion and just a woman's life in general.
Oh my gosh, I am so happy you wrote this post. I am totally at a loss at this point in my life- I am 27, married and have a baby- but I want to read about more than how to deal with teething and want to avoid the magazines that don't speak to me (I have the SAME complaint about Glamour/Cosmo)... I have tried to explain to my husband that I like blogs becuase they speak to me in a way that no magazine can.
Can't wait to hear what other ladies are reading!
If you like Real Simple you will like the magazine All You. You can find it at Walmarts, but that's really the only place I can find it. There are great recipes, beauty tips, crafts, etc. It's also only like $2 an issue and it winds up paying for itself in coupons. This past month they had a coupon for a free mascara (I think it was Rimmel) but it was a $6 coupon value... so you come out ahead with it.
I enjoy women's health, also runner's world..obviously that is focused on running.
I always buy Marie Claire at the airport because they have great stories in them about current events.
Oprah's magazine is pretty good!
Ugh I am in the same boat!!! I have no idea :(
I like Women's Health and occasionally will pick up Oprah. Women's Health talks about relationships (not just how to get the guy) in a better way than most I think.
I am disturbed that I read Cosmo in high school as well. I realize now that it is full of smut.
I still like Glamour, but agree it's a bit light. I also like Marie Clare, InStyle, Women's Health and Self. Oh, and Runner's World. :)
I used to read all of those. Not married, yet, so wedding mags still interest me, lol.
I read soap magazines..... there, I said it.
LOL... I also read Women's World and Ladies' Home Journal.
I do agree with you, though. Blogs speak to me better than any magazine.
I read Woman's Day, Red Book, Marie Claire from time to time to geta dose of different things. I agree, I can't bring myself to buy Cosmo anymore cause seriously I already know the 365 things to do to turn my man on..lol
I love this topic. I also have been on the search for the perfect magazine. I like All You, although it isn't exactly what I would be looking for. It is cheap, and a mix of topics. I also like the recipe section it includes meals for a week with a shopping list.
I love Real SImple, but I also enjoy reading Good Housekeeping. It's actually really cheap (I snagged a free subscription one time because of those coke rewards points that they do). It has good tips on household hints, but it also has tips on kid things, and honestly I'm not quite there yet (I am also a 25 yr newlywed!). I agree witht he red book LHJ also! good luck and keep us updated on your quest!
I personally really like Self magazine and the occasional cooking magazines right now.
My favorite is All You. I love this magazine. Each month it has cute decorating ideas for the month/holiday. There is a lot of usefull household tips too.
I still read Glamour and Instyle every month. I also love reading Gourmet Magazine, even though I end up starving after im done haha.
LOVE this post! I feel caught in the same dilemma as you! I do enjoy "Fitness" and "Women's Day" now.
I totally know what you mean! And, much like yourself - and many other commenters above! - I am horrified that I used to read Cosmo, which I now feel is totally smutty and, well, kind of disgusting!
Now that I, too, am an old, married woman, I like reading: Real Simple, Body and Soul (a kind of cheap, "green" Martha Stewart mag), Health Magazine, and Time. I'd love a subscription to Martha Stewart Living, but haven't yet slapped down the big bucks...plus, I'm not sure I'm really that domestic!
Perhaps there is a gap in the market for this...perhaps we should put together a newlywed mag??? :)
I am a HUGE Self fan - they truly have a mix of everything (fitness, finance, travel, relationships, health, fashion, healthy recipes). I also love Women's Health (not quite as multifaceted but still a great magazine) and Real Simple.
Hmmm I'll have to check out this all you that everyone is talking about! I real real simple, but since I don't have a house to decorate it's kind of worthless. :) They do have some cool neat little tips in there. I also like Shape, but sometimes it's a little unrealistic for me.
I have a bit of a magazine addiction so I subscribe to way too many magazines! Marie Claire is a nice comprehensive one...little bit of fashion, little bit of beauty, relationship stuff, women's issues, current events.
P.S. Winter white is fabulous =)
I don't have a subscription myself, but I'm intrigued by Life:Beautiful. http://www.lifebeautifulmagazine.com/
cute post=) i asked the same question a couple months ago too and majority said in style (and real simple) =) let us know when you find a great one!
I know what you mean. I went through the same thing a few years back! I enjoy Bazaar & Allure for fashion/make-up, Town & Country, Marie Claire, Real Simple and Martha (in addition to a ton of food pubs). But you're right, there isn't really any magazine for people who are too old for Cosmo but too young for More, Ladies Home Journal or Woman's Day.
Oh, and SELF. Self is great.
I still subscribe to Cosmo and Glamour. I haven't been able to move on from them. I also subscribe to Entertainment Weekly, which I love. I have been thinking about changing my Cosmo subscription in for a Redbook subscription... but I guess we'll see...
In the airport going on our honeymoon I almost started crying due to the fact that I could no longer buy a bridal magazine. Like you, it makes me sad I only get one wedding to plan and I'm not interested in all the great ideas that I don't get to use. Right now I am a big fan of Marie Claire. Great combination of fashion, beauty tips, and real life events. And,I get excited when my Pottery Barn, Serena and Lily, or West Elm catalogs come in the mail :)
Try Good Housekeeping its really nice.
hey k! it's been too long :)
try vanity fair... i sort of stole my first copy (don't judge! i think it was fate... it found my mailbox instead of my neighbor's. oops!) and i've been a devoted reader ever since. a great mix of politics, economics, intelligent wit and serious sarcasm... with a little scarlet johannsen on occasion.
let me know what you think!
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