I’m not talking about how my parents displayed honesty, charity, or kindness. No, I’m talking about how they “did things “– such as “mom is in charge of the laundry”, “let the family know if you’re going to cook so that can be included in that meal”, “always hang up wet towels”, “the pile at the top of the stairs means: ‘bring this stuff downstairs’ ”, etc. I’m talking about all of those little quirks, norms, and habits that become ingrained a family and stay with with you.
Today I went to get a plastic cup from one of kitchen cabinets. I stood on my tippy-toes to reach one, thinking to myself, “I hate how high these cups are.” Then I realized that I put them up there.
Why? Because growing up my Mom loathed drinking out of plastic cups. She much preffered glass glasses. So she had my dad put all of the plastic cups up high where he could reach them but would be out of her way. So now that I’m an adult living in my own home, how do my glasses/cups look?
Like this:
My plastic cups are way up high. Not because I don’t like drinking out of them, but because long ago I learned “glass glasses go low on the shelves, plastic cups go up high.” I didn’t even stop to think why my glasses are organized that way. Family norms.
How have your family norms or habits influenced how you live as an adult today?
I’m sure that the newlyweds or new-parents out there have some great examples!
OMG...I just realized I do the same thing in my cabinets!
Glasses and wine glasses are on the lowest 2 shelves, then coffee mugs, then random plastic ones way up high.
This is funny! Growing up I loathed how particular my Mom was about how you loaded the dishwasher. Now, I'm the exact same way! I guess those habits kind of stick with us!!
I'm the same same Perfectly Imperfect...my dishes are loaded a certain way and I always get peeved when Big Man mixes up the utensils or has everything all mixed together. Bowls and glasses go on the top rack. Utensils and pots and pans on the bottom...lol..:)
I require a virtually weed free, edged, lawn which is cut about 3-ish inches high.
This is how my dad and my grandfather did it.
Poor Hubby has big shoes to fill, but he takes it in stride.
I do the same thing, especially the way I sort laundry! I have become my mother! Ah!
Hah thats funny I do the exact same thing. Come to think of it I do allot of the same wierd things my mom does :)
That is really funny.
In our marriage counseling we were asked how each of our families do certain things because if in my family the father did it and if in his the mom did it that thing was never going to get done in our marriage. Does that make andy sense?
I have both of my parents habits...I got my mom's organization and list-making (as well as some other things) and I can't stand a dirty car like my dad. I like it clean inside & out! I wouldn't have it any other way though:) My husband came from slightly opposite parents, but I don't think it annoys him too much!
Considering I only like drinking out of "glass" glasses and the boyfriend prefers the plastic ones I might have to borrow this bit of organization. Thanks for the idea!
What a funny post! This has definitely been observed in our home. One major example I can think of is the way we "fold" our socks when we do laundry. In my family we always sorta rolled them in a ball, and my husband's family always connected the tops...now that we're merging our families, when I do laundry, I have to do my socks my way and his socks his way.
It's really funny how much we're influenced by our lives at home with our parents!
haha! I'm the same way...My Dad always stressed the importance of looking someone in the eye when talking to them,and cooking family dinners. And celebrating birthdays "BIG". I love those things. And your glasses look awesome!
There are so many things that I have adopted from my parents.
The fact that I have to straighten everything and have a neat home is from my mother, but don't look in my drawers, closets or under sinks because it's so disorganized (that's my dad)!
The way that I dust is like my grandmother, she would spray a ton of lemon Pledge on the furniture and I do the same thing, even though it's such a waste.
This is so true! I am pretty sure I am turning into my mother. My husband says the thing I do that is most like my mom is putting anything and everything down the disposal...which creates, well, big problems! My husband and my dad like to compare stories -- and the best methods for unclogging the drain ;)
Oh, this is a good one. The one I notice most is that whoever cooks doesn't have to do dishes. Even if I'm at a friend's house and he/she cooks dinner, I automatically start washing dishes afterward. People think I'm weird for it...but I think this one makes total sense!
My mom didn't like plastic cups either so I don't even keep them in our apartment!
If only I would have known I could have had this much lasting influence!!!! What might I have actually tried to impart....????
LOVE this post.... very fun.
oh yes, that is how my cabinet looks as well!
my mom would always leave piles of stuff at the bottom of the stairs for us kids to take up; I find myself doing the exact same thing these days!
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