Does it look familiar? That's because I showed you a preview of it with the kitchen post. The reason is, we don't have a "true" dining room We have our dining area between our kitchen and living rooms (give me a break, we live in a so cal condo. Space is limited!). So I'm going to show our dining room and living room since I missed living room week!
These adorable Crate & Barrel photo coasters sit on our dining table. They have a few wedding and engagement pictures in them.
Here's the living room that is right next to our "dining room" table.
The brown leather couches are from Plummers (a Southern Cali furniture store). The coffee table is from Crate & Barrel (Mix table). I hate our couch pillows. The blue ones are from Pottery Barn and look like total crap. NEVER buy the linen pillows from PB. They look horrid after a day. Any suggestions on where to buy new aqua-colored pillows?
This Nambe Bowl (another wedding present) sits on our coffee table. I love Nambe. Wish I could afford more of it!
This is our favorite place to sit and look out on the water.
Here is the view you see from that chair if your turn it to the window:

This is a brand new end table from Crate & Barrel (we got it yesterday!). The lamp is hand-blown glass. A wedding present from my God parents. I love the blue bowl on the bottom shelf. Reminds me of the ocean.
I really love these leaning shelves in the living room (again from Crate & Barrel). They hold fun wedding memories like our "unity sand" and our guest book. They also have my favorite books and some fun family photos. And lots of shells. You know I love shells.
Finally, the Mr's baby... the 61" DLP Flatscreen TV. A wedding present from my uncle. Also pictured, the PS3/Blu-Ray Player, DVR, speakers, stereo, the 5 disk DVD changer. I thought I was getting married, not moving into the frat house.
Hope you enjoyed seeing our dining room and living room! Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Yay for the start of summer!

i'm glad you shared! i love the color of your walls and the placemats. such a great room.
I love how the books are arranged on the bookshelf low-High-low.... so perfect!
I am in love with your wall color! Your place is really cute...that picture looking out your window made me miss California more than I already do! Thanks for sharing!
Your condo is fabulous! I love how everything matches and flows together, good job!
I love your condo! Those pretty blue walls look GREAT!
Okay, first I love your rooms! Second, I think we picked the same paint colors and living room furniture! :)
Cool place! So different than my 'primitive' decor in my home! Nice and tranquil . . . thanks for sharing!
Great looks soo relaxing and fresh.
Very nice! Actually, I found some cute pillows at Pier 1. Do ya'll have that in SoCal? :)
O my goodness I would love to have that wall of windows
can i please have your living room!? that view is to die for!!
Thanks for sharing! I love love love your living room! The furniture is great and the paint is amazing! I'm stealing it all!
Awesome view and room! Love it!
I love the bookshelves! And seeing pictures of the Queen Mary! It makes me a little homesick
i love it! the color, those coasters are so cute, and love the bookshelf!!
I love Nambe.
I received a few Nambe items for our wedding but it was almost 11 yrs ago.
Thanks for sharing.
The blues are so calming and pretty- it's like an extension from the outside...
I love the color of your walls! I need to add more color to my house, but I'm so scared of color!
very cute! where did you get the shelves? i love those!!
Your house looks like it is out of a magazine or something. Very cool!
Love your cozy dining room/living room! For new pillows...are there TJ Maxx stores in So Cal? I've been able to find nice pillows there.
Love the color scheme....and the furniture is totally my taste!
So cute! I love the way you have it decorated! : )
Your condo is awesome...especially the view (I know that view well - I used to have it from my office). And I agree about Nambe. I wish I could have ALL OF IT!!!
& this girl hopes that as a newlywed I can afford such brillantly & newly furnished surroundings! :)
This is a crazy place to buy pillows but Sams club has aqua textured pillows right now. :-)
Cute house
Very cute apartment! I wish I knew how to decorate! LOL!
Tres chic! Xoxo-BLC
I see you're a newlywed. You might be interested in the giveaway on my blog. Feel free to check it out. ~Have a wonderful day~
I LOVE your place. Can you decorate mine?!
Yall's place is SO cute!! love it and that blue is awesome!!
Just came across your blog... LOVE your condo. So great!! Would LOVE to live there!! LOL
I love Nambe as well! I actually have a very undomesticated friend who received a very nice Nambe serving platter and used it for her potpourri-she had no idea it was an expensive piece!
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