She prescribed nexium and told me to eat a bland, carby diet for the next week (did I mention no wine and no coffee?! Horrible!) and hopefully the ulcer will heel. If not, I have to go back to the doctor for more tests/treatment.
Meanwhile, I'm feeling horrible and finding it hard to get through my work day

Have any of you ever had a stomach ulcer? Was there anything that did or didn't help?
I have never had a stomach ulcer but I hope you feel better. I send you "feel better" hugs! Hang in there.
Oh no! So sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how crappy that must feel. :(
I hope you feel better soon.
I had one last year and it sucks! I'm sorry you have one now. FOR SURE stay away from spicy foods. My saving grace was ham and cheese sandwiches. Surprisingly pepper would always make it flare up. Also I ate a lot of vanilla wafers. They have flavor and didn't bother it. With the meds and food choices you should be ok in about a month...
Oh gosh I've never had one... but I hope it starts to feel better SOON!
Yes, more then 5 to be exact and it was no fun. Hope you feel better soon.
I have had one before and I agree, watch out for spicy foods they make it so much worse!
Ugh sounds horrible.
Hope you feel better girl! :)
I've never had one, but I have heard drinking a lot of water. I hope you start feeling better soon!
I never had an ulcer but I do have acid reflux which I hear is similar. I take a pill when it flares up. Wine makes it the worst...and I hear ya...I love wine. Hang in there. I hope it heals.
my husband had the same thing, he avoided coffee, wine, spicy foods and anything with a lot of acid (tomatoes, grapes, citrus fruits, etc)for about a month and took his meds and he is all better. It sucky but stick with it, you will be back to yourself in no time :)
I'm so sorry! I hope you heal super-fast! In the mean time, take it easy!
I hope you feel better--sounds painful!
Oh gosh. Never had one, but I will say that I am hoping that you feel better!
Ouch! Feel better quickly.
oh no, how horrible! :( I'm sorry to hear that. I've not had one but I heard they can be miserable. Listen to the docs and obey the diet.. good luck girl !
I am so sorry! I have never haad one but I have heard that they are really painful! I hope it heals quickly!
others have said it by now, but acid coffee...I had one my freshmen year of college..they said it was due to stress. With diet and meds, it cleared! I have not had one since- I guess it has been 7 years...but since then I have other food Intolerances…but you will figure it out. Ulcers hurt! Just follow the diet your Dr gave you!
YIKES~~Take care of yourself lady! I heard they can be painful. I have heard no acidy fruits and foods like marinara sauce.
I hope you feel better!!!
Hope you're feeling better soon.
I've had them before and they are no fun at all! I hope you feel better soon!
Wishing you well! Nothing like comfort carbs to fix what ale's ya!
Not an ulcer (not a tumor, lol), but severe heartburn/acid reflux treated with Nexium.
Dear lord that stuff was a godsend.
Feel better soon!
Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Sounds a little like what I have been feeling lately!! I never would have thought it could be an ulcur!!! Feel better soon!
That sounds awful! Hope you feel better soon friend!
Praying for healing (and a life without wine and coffee...that alone makes you my hero!)
Oh girl.. not fun! I sure hope you get to feeling better soon!!
Oh no! I hope you are feeling better soon, that stinks :( We shall get together when you are off bedrest. :)
Ulcers suck. I kinda get them every spring (they can recur really easily) so once April hits, I cut down on caffeine and drinking drastically to avoid getting one. It's definitely a dietary change, but the Nexium should help alot.
Been there, done that. I had stomach ulcers a couple of months ago and also got prescribed nexium. It worked excellent for me!! Hope yours does as well!
You can use herbal remedies like ginger, Licorice, garlic etc. for to get rid of ulcer. Herbal remedies are always good in any types of disease.
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