In these "uncertain economic times" people everywhere are looking for new ways to cut back and save.
That is why one of my daily reads is a fun blog started by a couple of 20-something gals called Lean with Green.

So you can imagine that I was very excited when I had emailed them a couple of my money management tips and they asked me to a guest post for them!
You can check out my post on Lean with Green here.
Are there any other Newlyweds or just couples in general out there that have tips from merging finances, creating a budget together, or just dealing with dollars? I'd love to hear your comments! Leave one for me on Lean with Green or leave it here!
Congrats on the guest post! We use ING too but didn't realize we could open accounts like that. Great way to save for emergencies and vacations. Going to give our rep a call to see how to set that up. Thanks!
great guest post!
going to this sight right now. i need all the help i can get in this department!
Since hubs and I are so differnt in the money department we have many -a-discussion about it. We decided that every year around the 1st we have our annual budget meeting. We both come to the table with lists of things we would like to do in the year, ideas for budgeting for thoes things, things we can/should cut back, how much we would like to just stash away in our savings account on and so on. We try our best to merg our ideas to come up with a "game plan" for the year. It has worked out thus far (year one is this year).
Great tips!
We have ING as well...and I think that is really smart about splitting it into sub groups. I'm going to do!
What a great idea for a blog! I think the biggest "money tip" I can give is to be honest with your partner. What you like to spend on/goals/debts/etc. Then you can work together to achieve what you want. It's working for us!
loved your post! we are all about bugdeting, and saving... WOW if the numbers from your ING accounts are correct you gonna have one heck of a va-kay in europe!
I actually had no idea it was filmed in LB until I saw it listed in the credits. My brother said if you look closely you can see the fake pike roller coaster they made with lights in one scene
We have NO credit cards! AT ALL. Our only debt is one student loan belonging to Mr. Newlywed. I paid my car off in the first 12 months I owned it.
We're nervous about debt which really makes us think how we spend our money. Also, I am a neurotic budgeter. I track how much we spent each DAY and on what.
I'm going to go check it out! We come from very different places when it comes to money, so this could be a good resource.
Great guest post and good advice. I love ING! :)
Oh I so need tips, we try to cut corners as much as possible.
Great Post!! I have been married a little over 2 years and when my Husband says the word “Budget” it makes me cringe! We have one joint savings and then we each have a checking. He has been trying to convince me to open another account for house stuff (we just bought a house) and I thought it would be too confusing…but how you have it set up is a great idea!
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