I am SO freakin' excited that one of my favorite books is being turned into a movie. I keep watching the preview. Over. And over. I cannot stop.
I've already set a date with one of my best friends to see it when it comes out. We both have minor "girl-crushes" on Rachel McAdams.
If you have not yet read the book go buy and it read it. You have two and 1/2 weeks to read it before the film comes out. Go.

Can you tell those of us who dont know what the book is about??
Julie D
I NEED this book! I hear so many good things about it!
i'm very excited!!! i haven't read the book, though i'd heard good things about it. but i have a MAJOR girl crush on Rachel McAdams.
you've inspired me to go find the book though!
I have a crush on Rachel McAdams too! I saw the preview for this movie when I watched "the proposal" and I may or may not have shrieked in the theater - excited you say? Yes, I believe I am :)
I have been trying to get my hands on this book for a while. I guess a trip to the library is in order!
I am and I'm not. Books-made-into-movies have a terrible history of disappointing me, but I know I cannot *not* see it!
Andplusalso, The Husband has agreed to finally (!) read the book, so I have to get him to watch the movie, too.
I can't wait! My mom gave me this book awhile ago, it took me awhile to pick it up but once I did I couldn't put it down. I love Rachel McAdams, too!
I've been told by all my friends that the book is amazing! Guess I'm going to have to read it soon!
I keep watching the trailer online too...LOL. Glad Im not alone. I have about 100 pages left in the book and I love it!!!
I am SO FREAKING EXCITED about this movie!!!! The book was incredible and I just can't wait to see the movie.
I also have a girl crush on Rachel McAdams. I blame it on 'The Notebook' and my desire to be Allie, if even just for pretend, lol. Oh wait... I also desperately wanted to be in "The Family Stone." I loved that movie, too.
Anyway.... yes... I am so excited for August 14th.
Okay...I'm about 1/2 way done and I just cannot put it down!! It's like I don't have enough time in the day to read! Freaking work!
Good to know I have a couple weeks to finish! I am SO excited!
I just finished it and agree it is really good! It is so complex... makes me want to pick the author's brain and figure out how she wrote it!
I can't wait to see this movie. Loved the book!
I am excited too, but I should probably read the book before it comes out, huh? I have a major girl-crush on Rachel as well...she's so fantastic.
I know! I'm so excited! It was supposed to come out last year, and then got delayed. Can't wait to see it!!
You know, I wasn't into reading the book but now that I've seen the movie preview it seems a lot more appealing. Thanks for sharing!
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I just love Rachel McAdams. I haven't read the book but I think I will.
I'm very excited for this movie. I haven't read the book but I'm getting it this weekend so I'll have it done before the movie comes out!
Oh my!! I am so excited too!! I love love love Rachel McAdams!! She is beautiful, glad I am not the only girl with a bit of a girl crush!
cant wait!!!
I haven't read the book, but am looking forward to the movie! Is it going to make me bawl my eyes out? I need to know this upfront. :)
I can NOT wait either!! It looks sooo good:) I haven't read the book, but I think I might wait till after I see the movie so I'm not let down. I heart Rachel McAdams too:)
I love her! Can't wait for the movie!
I just picked up a copy of the book!! I can't wait to start it. I love the preview as well!! It looks amazing.
Gah!! I'm EXCITED TOO!!!!
YES! I am as excited as you! I have a girls night out at the end of August but I don't know that I'm able to wait that extra 2 weeks to see it so I may have to go the day it opens!
I always heard good things about the book but never read it. When I saw the preview for the movie I was so excited! I've had a girl crush on Racheal McAdams since Mean Girls! I really want to read the book first! Guess I bette get going!
Cute blog BTW. You have a new follower!
I read the book and loved it so much, so of course I'm really excited for the movie. I hope the movie doesn't "ruin" the story, but from the previews it looks as if they're following it pretty closely. So hopefully its as amazing as I want it to be!
I just started last night.... I CAN'T WAIT for the movie!!
I CANNOT WAIT!!!! EVERY time the preview comes on I just get excited!!
Looking forward to the movie
Going to have to read this STAT!
funny that you posted this... i JUST bought the book a few days ago! i just had to read it before i watched the movie!
Oh girl, I cannot WAIT!!! I secretly also have a crush on Rachel (yep, we're on a first name basis!) and I love Eric Bana. This is one of my fave books. I can't wait to see how they pull it off!!!
I haven't read the book but I think the movie looks really good!
I'm reading it right now and am loving it!
The preview looked great so I picked up the book but now I'm hoping that the movie will be as good as the book :)
Confused yet?
lol...Pretty much I'm excited all around : )
I just started reading the book and LOVE IT!!! Im hoping to finish it by the time the movie comes out :)
I didn't know there was a book?! I cant wait to see the movie!
I cannot wait to see this movie!! It looks so romantic!!
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