Thursday, February 19, 2009

Travel Tips Thursday: Packing Light

Hi everyone! Welcome to Travel Tip Thursday!

Now that Erin’s told you all about how to properly bring your luggage onto the plane, I’m going to share my secrets to packing light so you are able fit everyone into your two carry ons.

Your mission….

To fit this:

Into only these:

How to pack light:

  • Make a list of everything you need to bring. I have a permanent list taped to the inside my closet since I travel so much. This will help you to not over pack and will help to relieve that panicked “forgot something” feeling.

  • Check the Weather for your destination and pack accordingly for the weather (don’t bring a lot of “in case” outfits).

  • Stick to one “base” color such as black, navy blue, grey, brown. Then coordinate outfits, purses, shoes, and accessories to this color. I know it’s hard to pick just one, but this is vital for packing light. Then use a few bright colors to accent your base color.

  • Pick shirts that double for work and night time. For example I will wear a sweater to work on Tuesday and wear it out to dinner on Wednesday.

  • Don’t be afraid to wear things twice. So skip the white since it shows dirt faster.

  • Limit the number of shoes you bring. I think the shoe staples for traveling are cute flats, cute heals that can double for work or going out, and gym shoes/walking shoes. Which is a total of three pairs of shoes, and you can wear one on the plane. Also pack socks inside of your gym shoes.

  • Bring one pair of dark denim jeans. They don’t look dirty fast and can be dressed up or down.

  • Bring one versatile jacket (I recommend black) and wear it/carry it with you on the plane (since they take a lot of room in a bag). Bonus: it can double as a pillow on the plane.

  • Bring SMALL cosmetics. You can only carry ONE small zip lock bag of liquid cosmetics, so buy some tiny bottles or refill hotel lotions/shampoos and use powder-based makeup.

  • Try to carry on one big purse and inside of it bring one small purse or clutch for going out later (you can put your ipod or phone chargers the small purse it while it’s inside of your big purse).

  • Wear a cute track suit on the plane that can later be used for working out or lounging on your tip. Or if your headed straight from the plane to work, wear what you’ll wear to work that day.

  • Bring sleepwear that doubles for lounge wear or that be can be used for working out too (such as yoga pants).

One final note... make that sure your bag closes easily. If you have to struggle to close it will likely bulge and NOT fit in overhead bin.

I have faith that you can fit it all in the small bag! I once packed two weeks of work clothes plus fun clothes for a weekend getaway to Boston in one small roller bag. If I can do it, so can you!

Now to answer some reader questions from last week's Travel Tip Thursday.

From Haley
Q: Did Erin draw the diagram in paint???
A: No, she drew it in PowerPoint and saved the file as .jpeg.

From Linda
Q: I need to know how to get everything into one carry on bag. Can you also cover formal wear? I'm going to Vegas for a wedding and we'll be bring hubby's suit and my party dress. How can I pack those with minimal wrinkling?
A: Follow the rules above. Pack the suit and party dress in a garment bag that you carry on and carefully place in the overhead bin. If you are trying to carry on, then try to pack all of the rest of you and your Hubby’s gear in another carry on together.

From Mrs. Nurse
Q: Can you explain the liquid rule? Can I not put the big bottles of shampoo in my luggage?
A: You can only put big shampoos in your checked bag. Any liquids that you carry on must be less than 3 ounces (basically hotel-sized shampoos) and all them have to be contained with in a 1 quart plastic bag (not a giant freezer bag, more like a sandwich bag).

Be sure to leave me any questions in the comments section that you want me to answer next week.

PS- Sorry this got so long! :)


i. me. mine said...

Pefect timing on this post! I was just freaking out over what to pack for my weekend work trip this weekend!

Thanks for the tips.

LWLH said...

Thanks for the tips...very helpful!!
It stinks that we have to pay for checked baggage now..ugh!

EmilyB said...

GREAT advice!!!

Sarah said...

I love that you do these. I'm flying home for spring break and in one you covered cheaper days to fly and - its going to save me a bunch! Thanks so much!

Lucky in Love said...

Thanks for sharing all of your tips :)

Also, thanks for your comment! I've been looking to God a lot lately!

Mrs. Nurse said...

Thanks for answering my question. I love when you do these! I do not travel much so I take notes. I would hate to be the hold up at the airport!

Sweet Simplicity said...

Good tips! Now if I could only stick to the pack light tips! I am an overpacker!!

Ink Obsession Designs said...

These are great tips!

Aartee said...

I'm traveling the week after next and this will be so helpfull!

Sjn said...
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GOOGLE SEO said...

roller bags:

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